Acquired every jewel and enhanced all 3 Ring Arts to the max level.
Filled out the entire character log.
Departed from Felghana and reached the story's conclusion.
Defeated Galbalan.
Reached the Seat of Evil.
Defeated Garland.
Obtained all swords, shields, and armor.
Achieved 300 hits in a combo.
Traveled to the Dark Shrine.
Defeated Dularn.
Traveled to Genos Island.
Fought against Nikolas Garland.
Won against Chester Stoddart.
Traveled to the Clock Tower.
Defeated Zirduros.
Defeated Zellfel Zam Schultiger.
Defeated Death Faleon.
Defeated Gildias.
Traveled to the Icebound Cave.
Defeated Ligaty.
Traveled to the Elderm Mountains.
Escorted Elena to town safely.
Defeated Istersiva.
Traveled to the Abandoned Mine.
Traveled to Valestein Castle.
Escorted Christof home safely.
Defeated Gyalva.
Defeated Guilen.
Defeated 500 enemies.
Traveled to the Zone of Lava.
Fought against Chester Stoddart.
Traveled to the Illburns Ruins.
Defeated Ellefale.
Fought against Dularn.
Traveled to the Tigray Quarry.
Traveled to the town of Redmont.
Obtained all trophies.
Cleared the game on Nightmare difficulty or higher.
Cleared the game on Inferno difficulty.
Had a total of 100,000 Gold at once.
Reached over 20 hours of play time.
Collected 10,000 hunks of raval ore.
Opened all treasure chests.
Raised Adol to the max level.
Filled out the entire monster log.
Obtained all accessories and items.
Won against Berhardt.
Defeated the Black Pikkard.
Tempered a sword to the max level.
Conquered Boss Rush on Very Easy.
Conquered Boss Rush on Easy.
Conquered Boss Rush on Normal.
Conquered Boss Rush on Hard.
Conquered Boss Rush on Nightmare.
Conquered Boss Rush on Inferno.
Watched the prologue novella in the museum.
Unlocked all gallery illustrations in the museum.
Tempered a shield to the max level.
Tempered a piece of armor to the max level.
Tempered all swords, shields, and armor to the max level.