Kill 10 enemies while remaining in conflict without being hit.
Hide 5 dead bodies in a Bale of Hay.
Stun 4 guards at once by throwing sand in their face.
Sweep 5 guards at once by using a Long Weapon.
Get all Hidden Blades, Item Pouches and Armor upgrades for Ezio.
Find the 8 statuettes in Monteriggioni.
Win a race against thieves!
Tint your clothes with those colors: Wetland Ebony and Wetland Ivory.
Perform an Air Assassination on a Poisoned NPC.
Buy a Painting from Florence and Venice.
Escape the hideout.
Reach 80% of your stronghold's total value.
Complete DNA Sequence 14.
Spend 5000 florins on Courtesans.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Torre Grossa.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria del Fiore (The Duomo).
Complete DNA Sequence 11.
Complete DNA Sequence 10.
Complete your first assassination mission for Lorenzo Il Magnifico.
Complete DNA Sequence 9.
Upgrade a building in the Stronghold.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the Basilica di San Marco.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside Santa Maria della Visitazione.
Complete DNA Sequence 8.
Synchronize 10 View Points.
Complete DNA Sequence 7.
Pickpocket 1000 Florins.
Complete training and reenter the Animus.
Complete DNA Sequence 6.
Toss more than 300 florins on the ground.
Complete DNA Sequence 5.
Complete DNA Sequence 4.
Perform a Leap of Faith from the Top of Florence's Giotto's Campanile.
Intercept a Borgia Courrier.
Discover the Assassin's Tomb inside the catacombs under Santa Maria Novella.
Complete DNA Sequence 3.
Sprint for 100 meters.
Complete DNA Sequence 2.
Unlock a piece of Subject 16's video.
Use your Eagle Vision to scan a Glyph in the environment.
Complete DNA Sequence 1.
Defend a woman's honor.
Enter the Animus 2.0.
Break out of Abstergo.
Be reborn as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze.
Unlock all trophies.
Unlock all 20 pieces of Subject 16's video.
Kick a Guard while using the Flying Machine.
Wear the Auditore cape in each city.
Collect all the Feathers.