Spread the ashes
Defeat Baldur
Complete all of Brok and Sindri’s Favors
Free all of the Dragons
Learn the languages of Muspelheim and Niflheim
Ride the ship out of Helheim
Kill 2,000 Enemies
Rescue Atreus
Heal Atreus
Retrieve the Blades of Chaos
Assist all of the wayward spirits
Defeat Magni and Modi
Fully upgrade a Runic Attack
Explore all the Lake of Nine has to offer
Defeat the Dragon of the Mountain
Fully explore Veithurgard
Craft an outfit for Atreus
Allow the Light Elves to return home
Survive the Witch’s Woods
Slot an Enchantment into your armor
Upgrade a piece of armor
Obtain a Runic Attack Gem
Defend your home from The Stranger
Obtain all other trophies
Fully upgrade your Health
Fully upgrade your rage
Collect all of the Artifacts
Kill all of Odin’s Ravens
Fully upgrade the Leviathan Axe
Fully upgrade the Blades of Chaos
Obtain Traveler armor set
Obtain Ancient armor set
Use treasure maps to find all of the dig spots
Read all of the Jötnar shrines
Complete all of the Trials of Muspelheim
Retrieve all treasure from the Workshop’s center chamber
Defeat the nine Valkyries