Unlock all trophies in Daxter.
Rescued Jak.
Discover a hidden mask.
Enter the Prison.
Enter the Baron's Palace level.
Enter the Tanker 2 level.
Take down another Queen in Emerald Isle.
Play all dream minigames.
Enter the Lumber Mill level.
Defeat the Hive Queen at the Strip Mine.
Collect 500 Precursor Orbs.
Eliminate three bugs at once with a bomb.
Enter the Strip Mine 2 level.
Obtain a gold rating in any minigame.
Enter the Construction Site 2 level.
Defeat the Queen in Emerald Isle.
Enter the Fish Cannery level.
Enter the Distillery level.
Obtain the Flame Thrower upgrade from Taryn.
Collect 250 Precursor Orbs.
Enter the Tanker level.
Play a round of Single Player Bug Combat.
Chase down a Prison Zoomer.
Defeat three Queens in Breezy Valley.
Play three unique dream minigames.
Enter the Strip Mine level.
Defeat the Hive Queen under the Transit System.
Escape from a runaway train.
Enter the Transit System level.
Fix the mechanical problem in the Brewery.
Defeat a bug with a flamethrower.
Enter the Brewery level.
Obtain the Bug Sprayer pressure upgrade from Taryn.
Defeat the Queen at Breezy Valley.
Stun a bug with poison spray.
Meet Taryn in the Construction Site.
Collect a Combat Bug Vial item.
Enter the Construction Site level.
Collect a Combat Bug Token item.
Collect a Combat Bug Cage item.
Enter the Westside Hotel level.
Collect 1 Precursor Orb.
Meet Osmo in the shop.