Unlock all trophies.
Play with 20 different people in any multiplayer game mode.
Finish the game with a Hardcore character.
Complete 20 single player Scenarios in the game.
Kill 10.000 monsters.
Kill 100 Champions, Elites or Bosses in multiple Scenarios.
Buy a Set or Godlike quality item from the Pigazus. (Scenario only)
Equip all of Katarina's item slots with a Set item.
Complete a Scenario without dying on Fearless difficulty.
Earn 250.000 Reputation.
Complete a Scenario without equipping Cape, Armor, Gloves and Boots on Fearless difficulty.
Complete a Scenario without using any Powerups on Fearless difficulty.
Survive extreme damage from a single attack.
Successfully complete all Tower Defense missions.
Complete a Tower Defense mission without letting a single enemy in.
Complete a Tower Defense mission without killing a single monster directly (kill with traps only).
Reach the maximum level with your Chimera.
Execute all the main missions while managing the Resistance.
Defeat Koschei the Deathless and save Borgovia.
Finish the game on Hard without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
Finish the game on Heroic without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
Finish the game on Fearless without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
Fight your way into the lair of your nemesis.
Find the pieces of Koschei's shattered Death.
Reach 100 base Luck points.
Reach 100 base Willpower points.
Reach 100 base Body points.
Reach 100 base Dexterity points.
Meet one of Katarina's relatives in the Otherworld.
Meet Professor Fulmigati.
Defeat the Gatekeeper's champion and gain entry to the Deep Realms.
Catch the fleeing Domovoy.
Destroy Koschei's Death.
Destroy the Ethereal Receivers.
Complete The Dreamer's questline.
Find a cabin the woods (it's never good).
Catch a glimpse of a violent universe where only war exists.
Find THAT rabbit.
Collect 10 Relics for the Resistance.
Speak with the gnome.
Seal off the Impossible Tombs.
Find the Tomb of the Lost Pony.
Sell the Chocolate-Covered Necklace to the undead.
Spend 10.000 Rage points across any number of playthroughs.
Defeat the insane Ringmaster Extraordinaire.
Damage the airship.
Level up one of your Resistance Captains.
Close the gate to the Otherworld and stop the vampire invasion.
Save the wounded man bitten by vampires.
Complete 5 Hunting Grounds with your Chimera.
Defeat the leader of the Cult of Seven.
Acquire the Skrimbeast potion.
Close the Gateway at the Sacrificial Site.
Uncover the true story of Hansel and Gretel.
Fight your way through the Haunted Forest.
Find the underwater section of the Laboratory.
Capture the beastly Infiltrator.