Complete a criminal venture.
Kill an enemy with a towed object.
Name your criminal empire.
Pulled out of a car by a pedestrian.
Complete a Side Hustle.
Customize a vehicle.
Get fired.
Place a criminal venture.
Open the Style app for the first time.
Complete a job on the Wanted app.
Customize a weapon.
Complete First F#@!ing Day.
Unlock all trophies.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 3.
Obtain 85 items in the Collectibles app.
Sing karaoke with the Saints.
Complete 10 Crimes of Opportunity.
Complete all jobs on the Wanted app.
Complete all Side Hustles.
Complete Showdown.
Complete 25 challenges.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 4.
Customize a weapon, a vehicle, clothing item, and your skin with a Cutting Edge material.
Defeat all members of the Idols Collective.
Destroy a car with Pugnus Sanctus Dei.
Perform a barrel roll.
Fully upgrade a vehicle.
Fully upgrade a weapon.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 5.
Betrayed by a friend.
Reach the maximum level.
Defeat a miniboss from each faction.
Kill a tank driver with the Quantum Aperture.
Complete 5 districts in Santo Ileso.
Own 100 different pieces of clothing.
Prank a co-op partner.
Acquire every perk.
Buy 2 Emotes.
Perform a quadruple backflip with Super Air Control.
Refill the boost bar 3 times in a row with Infinite Boost.
Stagger an enemy with a vending machine.
Complete the photo scavenger hunt.
Complete 10 districts in Santo Ileso.
Unlock all vehicle special upgrades.
Hit a launched piñata with the Piñata Stick.
Complete all 15 districts in Santo Ileso.
Complete all wingsuit challenges.
Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 2.
Complete all loyalty missions.
Buy 1 item from every store.
Obtain 5 items in the Collectibles app.