Earn all the trophies in Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Complete the game on Hard difficulty
Unlock all the outfits
Complete the game
Complete all the Lost Island Super Actions without dying
Complete the Time Trial in Croft Manor
Complete all the Time Trials on the Lost Island
Complete all the Time Trials in Egypt
Complete all the Time Trials in Greece
Complete all the Time Trials in Peru
Collect all the relics on the Lost Island
Collect all the relics in Egypt
Collect all the relics in Greece
Collect all the relics in Peru
Collect all the artifacts on the Lost Island
Collect all the artifacts in Egypt
Complete all of the challenges in Croft Manor
Defeat the final boss on the Lost Island without dying
Defeat the first boss on the Lost Island without dying
Defeat the boss in Greece without dying
Defeat the boss in Peru without dying
Complete the central shaft in the Lost Island without dying
Collect the Dual Mini SMGs
Complete the Lost Island chapter
Complete the Egypt chapter
Complete all the Egypt Super Actions without dying
Collect the seals of Anubis, Horus, Isis and Osiris
Kill 6 rats with a boulder in Egypt
Complete all the Greece Super Actions without dying
Collect all the artifacts in Greece
Collect the Dual 50 Caliber Pistols
Complete the Greece chapter
Kill a lion with an Adrenaline Head Shot
Complete the Hephaestus room in Greece without being struck by lightning
Collect the Shotgun
Collect all the artifacts in Peru
Complete all the Peru Super Actions without dying
Complete the Peru chapter
Complete the Peru gear puzzle without dying
Kill 3 enemies with an Adrenaline Dodge and Head Shot attack
Find an artifact or relic
Turn off both dart shooters in the Mountain Entrance hall in Peru