Unlock all other trophies
Complete a battle while in the Cooperative Multiplayer mode
Defeat an enemy in the Cooperative Multiplayer mode
Complete the Cooperative Multiplayer mode puzzle in the Peasant Village
Complete the Cooperative Multiplayer mode puzzle in the Docks
Complete the Cooperative Multiplayer mode puzzle in the Swamp
Use Donkey Radio on five enemies at once
As Puss, enchant five enemies at once
As Fiona, sound-blast five enemies at once
As Shrek, scare five enemies at once
Defeat an enemy with each of the four characters in 1 battle
Get your first health upgrade
Use Puss In Boots' "big eyes" to charm an enemy
Sound-blast an enemy with Fiona
Scare an enemy as Shrek
Use Donkey Radio on an enemy
Purchase all store items
Open a big treasure chest
Complete 100% of the Ogre Camp
Complete 100% of Rumpelstiltskin's Palace
Complete 100% of the Docks
Complete 100% of the Catacombs
Complete 100% of the Peasant Village
Complete 100% of Dragon's Keep
Complete 100% of the Swamp
Rumpel Defeated
Sink the pirate ship
Defeat the Pied Piper in the Catacombs
Find and return all three bells in Peasant Village
Beat the Skeleton battle in the Peasant Village
Defeat the Fairy Godmother in Dragon's Keep
Defeat the witches in the Swamp
Win the training fight in the Forest
Use the magic mirror
Fill up the Ogre Power meter
Fill half of the Ogre Power meter