Complete Career Mode at least once.
Upgrade all bike components in Career Mode.
Reach 999 reputation points in Career Mode.
Ride for at least 2000 km in any game mode, in Arcade and/or Simulation.
Win at least one Quick Race with 100% race length in Simulation.
Win your first online Championship or Crew Championship in Arcade or Simulation.
Win all the cups in Career Mode.
Finish one entire season in Career mode without arriving first.
Lose at least 100 reputation points in Career Mode.
Unlock all the Extras.
Win your first quick race in Simulation with opponents at Real level.
In simulation beat all the track records on dry tarmac in Time Attack mode only with SBK class.
Race all sessions in any Simulation game mode during the same weekend.
Win your first Quick Race in Arcade.
Win a Race Weekend in Simulation dressing your rider with the Milestone helmet.
Enter the Pit Lane for the first time in any game mode in Arcade or Simulation.
Sustain enough injuries to force your rider into retirement in Career Mode.
Damage a bike to retirement in Career Mode.
In Simulation, reach 300 km/h with any bike on any track in any game mode.
During a Quick Race take a disqualification in Simulation.
Win your first Quick Race online in Arcade or Simulation.
Win a Time Attack online in Arcade or Simulation.
Win your first race during an online championship in Arcade or Simulation.
Thanks for purchasing SBK X.
Watch a replay for the first time.
Watch the credits.
Reach all podium positions at least once in Simulation in different Quick Races.
Win at least one race in the Quick Championship.
Win a Quick Championship.
During the same Career sign at least three contracts.
Reach at least one goal in all chapters in the Story Mode.
Accept an offer by a SBK team in Career Mode.
Accept an offer by an STK team in Career Mode.
Unlock your first bike upgrade in Career Mode.
Win your first race in Career Mode.
Beat at least one Special Opponent in Career Mode.
In the same career, win at least one season in STK, WSS and SBK in Career Mode.
Win the final three chapters of the SBK Story Mode.
Create your first rider in Arcade or Simulation.
Save a setting in any Simulation game mode for the first time.
Use the Technical Meeting in any Simulation game mode for the first time.
Create a rider called Mister Macaco in Arcade or Simulation.