Unlock all trophies
Finish in first and second place with two local players during an online game
Have a rematch online
Play the same game mode three times in a row
A player wins 25 games
A player takes the lead at the end of one round in a classic or online game but finishes the game in last place
'Final Countdown' goes to a tie-break
Post match stats to Facebook after a game
Complete a classic 4-player game using Paper Face on all contestants and the host
Start a classic game using a custom buzzer sound
Achieve 13,000 points in the 'Stop the Clock Challenge' or answer 75 questions in the 'Over the Edge Challenge'
Achieve 11,000 points in the 'Stop the Clock Challenge' or answer 50 questions in the 'Over the Edge Challenge'
Achieve 9,000 points in the 'Stop the Clock Challenge' or answer 25 questions in the 'Over the Edge Challenge'
Create and play a MyBuzz! playlist
Complete an online game
A player answers ten questions correctly in a row during a game of Buzz! Move
Shoot five bonus UFOs during a round of 'Master Blaster' in Buzz! Move
A player answers five questions correctly in a row during a game of Buzz! Move
Complete a singleplayer game of Buzz! Move
Complete a multiplayer game of Buzz! Move
A player starts or falls into last place during 'Final Countdown' but goes on to win the game
A player answers five questions incorrectly in a row during 'Over the Edge'
No players answer incorrectly during 'Tune Warp'
A player answers every question correctly during 'High Stakes' but never bets 500
A player answers every question correctly during 'High Stakes' betting 500 each time
The same player wins every question in 'Pie Fight'
The same player is stolen from for every question in 'Point Stealer'
The same player wins every question in 'Point Stealer'
A player answers every question the fastest and correctly during 'Fastest Finger' or 'Stop the Clock'
A player answers every question faced correctly and wins a classic or online game
Have a clear lead at the end of every round and win a classic or online game
The same player wins five games in a row
A new player wins a multiplayer game
Complete a custom game
Complete any game mode for the first time