You conquered 5 warp zones! you're so old school...
You unlocked Commander Video! Double rainbow all da way!
You found a warp zone! Now pay me for the door repair!
Unlock all other trophies
Beat The Forest light world without dying
Beat The Forest dark world without dying
Beat The Hospital light world without dying
Beat The Hospital dark world without dying
Beat The Salt Factory light world without dying
Beat The Salt Factory dark world without dying
Beat Hell light world without dying
Beat Hell dark world without dying
Beat The Rapture light world without dying
Beat The Rapture dark world without dying
Beat Cotton Alley light world without dying
Beat Cotton Alley dark world without dying
Beat 10 Warpzones
Beat All Warpzones
You unlocked Tim by collecting 50 bandages! He's weird...
You beat the game!... but that's not the end, is it?
You completed the Dark World... you are awesome.
You've beaten the Cotten Alley all by yourself!
You unlocked The Kid!
You got 100% on Super Meat Boy, start bragging!