Unlock all the trophies
Win 10 races in any mode
Win a 5 race online championship
Win 20 online races
Win at least one race in all of the offline modes
Win a race in Split Screen
Win all of the Checkpoint Attack races
Achieve Gold at the Tokyo Downtown track in Time Attack
Win all the WGTE events
Win all the WHYC events
Win all the WPN 01 events
Win all the WPN 02 events
Win 1 race Online
Win all the WPC events
Win all the WPLA events
Win the final challenge against the future!
Win the last vehicle!
Drift in one game only for more than 50 seconds
Use 10 boosts in a 3 laps race
Reach rank 4 online
Reach rank 5 online
Reach rank 7 online
Reach rank 9 online
Achieve Gold on all of the Time Attack tracks
Reach rank 10 online
Achieve gold at the Grand Alps 3000 and Grand Alps MT. Rosa tracks in Time Attack
Achieve gold at the Nevada Dam and Nevada Red Rock Canyon tracks in Time Attack
Win 1 race Offline
Play for 2 hours (Time Attack and Free Mode excluded)
Play for 4 hours (Time Attack and Free Mode excluded)
Play for 8 hours (Time Attack and Free Mode excluded)
Play for 10 hours (Time Attack and Free Mode excluded)
Win a 3 race online championship