Win 5 Interactive League matches
Score from a free kick in a match
Play for over fifty hours
Win in every stadium
Win an Online League match
Win with a team of 11 created players in an unranked online match
Ultimate Team:Obtain your first Gold Rated Manager
Ultimate Team:Upgrade to a Silver Rated Stadium
Score 2500 points and win 5 badges in a single Lounge Mode match
Score with a bicycle kick
Ultimate Team:Obtain 11 gold players
Ultimate Team:Open First Gold Pack
Ultimate Team:Open first Silver Pack
Enter a match with 20 people in a FIFA 09 Clubs Match
Reach legendary status for your club
Win a Tournament that starts with sixteen teams, with a one star rated team.
Win a Created Tournament that starts with sixty four teams
Complete a Manager Mode season without simming any games
Save a penalty
Win a match with fully manual settings (no assistance can be switched on)
Go into an online match after choosing your own arena player
Sell a player in Manager Mode for 50 million of your chosen currency
Score from a cross
Score on the volley in a match
Buy a player in Manager Mode for 50 million of your chosen currency
Win a FIFA 09 Clubs match with your club
Win a Ranked online match
Upload 5 screenshots to EA Sports football world
Score from over 30 yards out in a match
Score in the 89th minute
Beat a five star team with a half star team
Win a game with adidas Live Season enabled
Beat your favourite team with their rival
Score off the woodwork in a match
Score by chipping the keeper in a match
Win a game when down one man
Score with a defender in a match
Score from a corner
Score with a header in a match
Play 5 consecutive matches without getting any cards (bookings must be enabled in the settings)
Successfully perfom a pass that switches the play from one flank to the other
Score from a penalty in a match
Keep a clean sheet
Upload a video to EA Sports football world
Score twenty goals in the arena
Score five goals in the arena
Unlock all other trophies (excluding additional content trophies)
Score with a diving header in a match
Buy 50 players in your career in Manager Mode
Score a headed goal with the shortest created player
Perform a cross for a friend who scores from it. (Co-op Trophy)
Reach legendary status for your country
Ultimate Team:Win all gold Club Tournaments
Ultimate Team:Win the Gold World Trophy
Ultimate Team:Win All gold Online Tournaments
Ultimate Team:Win Gold Ultimate Team Trophy
Ultimate Team:Complete an 11 player team page in the collection