Complete zone 1 with solo Cadence!
Unlock all trophies
Complete zone 2 with solo Cadence!
Complete zone 3 with solo Cadence!
Kill the shopkeeper
Have 10 heart containers at the same time
Complete zone 4 with solo Cadence!
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence
Use a red dragon's fireball to kill another miniboss
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bard
Complete a Daily Challenge
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Melody
Have 6000 coins in a single run
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Cadence in under 15 minutes
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Eli
Complete "All Zones Mode" while playing Co-op
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dove
Get killed by a green slime
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Monk
Kill three green bats
Kill 8 enemies with a single bomb
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Dorian
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Bolt
Aria Low%. Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Aria without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.)
Complete an "All Chars" run
Get 10 wins in a row in Cadence "Deathless Mode"
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Coda
"All Chars" low%. Complete an "All Chars" run without picking up any items or using any shrines. (Picking up gold is permitted.)
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Nocturna
Complete zone 5!
Complete "No Return Mode" with solo Cadence
Complete "Hard Mode" with solo Nocturna
Complete "Phasing Mode" with any character
Complete "Randomizer Mode" with any character
Complete "Mystery Mode" with any character
Complete "Story Mode", "Hard Mode", "Phasing Mode", "No Return Mode", "Randomizer Mode", and "Mystery Mode" with any character
Complete "Story Mode"
Complete "All Zones Mode" with solo Nocturna in under 15 minutes
Have 8000 coins in a single run with solo Nocturna
Kill 8 enemies at once with electricity
Complete an "All chars (including DLC)" run