Earn all the ModNation Racers trophies to unlock this platinum trophy
Win 100 Online Races
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the Big City theme
Use a Supercharger and for the duration of the boost don't hit a wall on Tourist Trap
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens and complete all the race objectives in the Big City Tour
Win the Big City Tour
Hit an opponent with a level 1 secondary weapon on Gridlock River
Ricochet a Straight Shot then hit an opponent on the Great Wall track
Hit three opponents with a single Chain Bolt on the Fortress track
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens and complete all the race objectives in the Far East Tour
Follow an opponent into his or her Warp on the Terraced Drop track
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the Far East theme
Hit an opponent in the air with a Swarm on Skyscraper Hop
Win the Far East Tour
Achieve level rank 30
Beat all the Elite racers in the grudge matches
Create and publish a track using the Far East theme
Get in the top 10% in Hot Lap Mode on any given day
Complete all the career challenges
Create and publish a track using the Big City theme
Earn at least 250,000 Create XP
Win a ranked race series
Complete all the race tutorials, and watch all the video tutorials
Invite 5 unique friends to an online race
Collect all the tokens in the single player career
Hit three opponents with a single Sonic Bomb on Iceberg Edge
Host a casual race using a UFG track from the Arctic theme
Use your shield to defend against any attack whilst in the air on Downhill Peak
Beat all 28 developer best lap times in career
Come 1st in every race in the career
Come 1st in every race, collect all the tokens and complete all the race objectives in the Arctic Tour
Win 10 online races
Publish a Mod and have at least 10 people download it
Sideswipe 75 opponents
Win your first online action race on a particular published track
Be part of the first race on a published track
Publish a kart and have at least 10 people download it
Publish a track and have at least 10 people download it
Get a total of 200 takedowns
Earn at least 5,000 Total XP (including Race XP and Create XP)
Remix a Mod, a kart, and a track
Earn at least 1,000 Total XP (including Race XP and Create XP)
Win the Grand Tour
Win the Grim Tour
Create and publish a track using the Arctic theme
Win the Range Tour
Win the Arctic Tour
Use your shield to defend against a Bolt Storm on Snow Storm City
Successfully defend yourself with your shield 20 times
Try all the game modes in Single Player Race
Do a 1080 spin and land successfully
Drift 1,000 times in total
Win the Mayhem Tour
Use all the weapons in the game
Hit 20 opponents with weapons dropped as secondary weapons
Earn 100,000 drift points in one drift
Drive over 100 boost pads
Win an action race without using any boost, or using a boost pad
Visit all the locations in the ModSpot
Win an action race without firing any weapons
Rate 10 tracks, 10 Mods, and 10 karts
Create a track in Track Studio
Use photo mode in a race, in a studio, or in the ModSpot
Create a Mod in Mod Studio
Create a kart in Kart Studio
Enter the Shop
Play an online race
Complete the qualifier race
Fill your boost meter