One brain cell to survive among the quadrillion of others…
De-Void of any memories and numbers…collapse of stacks…
It’s all matter of ones and zeros, if you dare to remember…
Ever-expanding brain cells, adding more storage space…
When you remember that you are more than star-dust…
Why limit your memory to this planet?
Unlocking secret weapons to aid your brain…
What’s the point of remembering all of these?
Can you think simultaneously while you remember?
Now, your intellect steps in, to save and store…
Images are now more than pixels and colors for your brain…
Even if emotions want to bury it, you can now restore it…
Not only data but the feeling of it, will be kept…
Storage and saving functions…while you’re asleep…
Now, you realize what it really makes you human…
Not only data but maybe the meaning will remain…
One by one, date by date, you want to save and store…
And those things…maybe you want to forget…
You don’t want to forget…those things…
For a better holding of knowledge…
Now, just started working…one trillion more to go…