Gain 999 999 money.
Earn rating S or higher at 20 music tracks on Hard difficulty in Freestyle.
Collect 300 secret notes.
Collect 30 secret notes.
Earn rating M at any music track on Hard difficulty in Freestyle.
Collect all arrows on Hard difficulty using ingame songs.
Complete the Tournament for all characters.
Buy for game currency everything that is sold.
Perform 100 Specials.
Complete one Tournament.
Defeat an AI opponent on maximum difficulty using custom music.
Stun your opponent and defeat him until the stun is over.
Defeat an online opponent in Dance battle on the track with BPM above 180.
Win for the first time in Dance battle.
Fill your Combo to level 10 and deal damage using Rage.
Defeat an opponent in Freestyle online-multiplayer on Hard difficulty.
Pass any track for the first time on any difficulty.