Freakout: Calamity TV Show
Kill 10.000 Enemies
Kill 200 Chickens
Kill 200 Hunters
Kill 200 Bombmen
Kill 5000 Creepers
Destroy 50 Turrets
Kill 50 Ballders
Kill 50 Spidermine
Finish the mansion chapter
Kill 10 Ballders
Kill 10 Spidermine
Finish the labs chapter, get rid of the ghosts
Kill 100 Spartans
Kill 200 Big Daddys
Push more than 10 times the buttons of the factory level
Kill 10 Spartans
Clean up the office chapter, destroy the war aircraft
Destroy 10 Turrets
Kill 20 Bombmen
Kill 1000 Creepers
Finish Streets chapter, destroy the war train
Kill 20 Hunters
Kill 20 Chickens
Finish TV chapter, kill TV head
Finish a level without dying
Kill 20 Big Daddys
Kill 100 Creepers