Collect all the trophies
Solve every puzzle
Find a missing letter "X"
Unscramble words that are not the answer ten times
You spelled it wrong
Try five different wrong answers for the same clue
Anagrams, huh?
Find a missing letter "V"
Completely miss the point of an anagram-based clue
Unscramble three other words before solving a clue
Unscramble a word that isn't the answer
Try the same wrong answer twice
Find a missing letter "Q"
Find the correct letter on only the fourth attempt
Find a missing letter "F"
Spend at least a minute considering a solution
Find a missing letter "W"
Find a missing letter "K"
Find a missing letter "H"
Try an answer that isn't even a word
Solve a puzzle without making a single mistake
Find a missing letter "Z"
Find a missing letter "M"
Find a missing letter "L"
Find a missing letter "Y"
Find a missing letter "T"
Find a missing letter "A"
Find a missing letter "P"
Find a missing letter "N"
Find a missing letter "S"
Find a missing letter "B"
Find a missing letter "I"
Find a missing letter "R"
Find a missing letter "C"
Find a missing letter "O"
Find a missing letter "U"
Find a missing letter "D"
Find a missing letter "J"
Find a missing letter "G"
Find a missing letter "E"