Completed a Mission without Dying
Found a Lore Collectible in Horizon Call of the Mountain
Shot a Warning Beacon
Earned all Trophies in Horizon Call of the Mountain
Crafted your Pickaxes
Crafted and Collected all of the Tools
Crafted Elemental Ammo
Collected all of the Weapon and Ammo types
Shot all of the Warning Beacons in a Mission
Shot all Warning Beacons in Horizon Call of the Mountain
Completed a Legendary Climb
Completed all Legendary Climbs
Found all Lore Collectibles in Horizon Call of the Mountain
Constructed a Cairn
Constructed all of the Cairns in Horizon Call of the Mountain
Triggered an Elemental Explosion by Destroying a Machine's Canister
Shoot a Watcher in the eye before it spots you
Used the Ballista or Blaze Barrels to Damage a Machine
Got through a Watcher Stealth Area Undetected
Shot a Thunderjaw Disc out of the Air
Achieved the highest score at the Dawn's Grasp Assault Course
Achieved the highest score at the Dawn's Grasp Archery Range
Embarked on a Machine Safari
Defeated a Grazer in Brightdawn