Earn at least 1 star at a Trailblazer Gate.
Reach Round Two of the Island Conqueror.
Complete a Challenge Card in Freeroam
Pass the M68 Speed Trap at 190MPH in the 2011 Ford Transit SSV.
Complete the first chapter of the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Reach level 10 in The Drift Run.
Get 100 Near Miss Skills in any S2 Car.
Take your first picture for Horizon Promo.
Purchase the Sunflower Meadows Player House.
View every Beauty Spot.
Drive every Road in Fortune Island.
Complete the first chapter of "The Top Gear Horizon Special".
Complete the first chapter of "The Car Files".
Reach Round 10 of Street Scene.
Reach Speed Zone Hero level 10.
Find/Smash your first Treasure Chest.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Cross Country Series.
Reach Speed Trap Hero level 10.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Dirt Racing Series.
Set up the Horizon Festival on Fortune Island.
Find and restore 15 Barn Finds.
Purchase a castle.
Unlock 100 clothing items for your character.
Complete 3 Blueprint Events created by other players.
Gain Superstar Status by reaching Level 200.
Earn 30 stars on "Isha's Taxis".
Complete the first chapter of "Isha's Taxis".
Complete a race in an S1 class Rally Monster.
Complete every Showcase Event.
Bank a Skill Chain of 195,300 or more points.
Win a race at The Colossus, The Gauntlet, The Titan or The Marathon.
Apply every Car Mastery available for a single car.
Complete 5 Horizon Life Co-op Races.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Road Racing Series.
Apply 50 Car Masteries.
Complete Round 3 of a #FORZATHON Live Event.
Complete a Season Championship and receive a reward.
Take part in your first #FORZATHON Live Event.
Qualify for the Horizon Roster.
Reach Level 20.
Qualify for Horizon Spring.
In Rivals, beat a Rival without receiving a "dirty time" penalty.
Qualify for Horizon Winter.
Find and restore your first Barn Find.
Buy your first car from the Autoshow.
Apply your first Car Mastery.
Get your first Forza Edition Car from a Wheelspin.
Spin your first Super Wheelspin.
Qualify for Horizon Autumn.
Arrive at the Horizon Festival.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Spring season.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Summer season.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Autumn season.
Win all Seasonal Championships in one Winter season.
Complete 1 Weekly and 7 Daily #FORZATHON activities in the same week.
Complete 3 consecutive #FORZATHON Live events.
Play your first unranked Free-for-All Adventure.
Get ranked in Free-for-All Adventure.
Arrive at your Master Builder's LEGO Baseplate.
Start building your Master Builder's House.
Have your House visited by some unexpected guests.
Become a Master Builder by finishing your House.
Win the LEGO Speed Champions F40 event.
Earn 3 stars from the Airport Leap Danger Sign twice in under 45 seconds.
Win the LEGO Speed Champions Senna event.
Become the Speed Champion.
Discover the LEGO Speed Champions Barn Find.
Earn all stars possible from Drift Zones in LEGO Valley.
Take part in 20 #FORZATHON Live Events, completing at least Round 1 in each.
Earn all stars possible from Trailblazers in LEGO Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Speed Zones in LEGO Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Speed Traps in LEGO Valley.
Earn all stars possible from Danger Signs in LEGO Valley.
Earn 27 Stars in the LEGO Speed Champions Horizon Story.
Complete all the Race Events in LEGO Valley.
Win all the Race Events in LEGO Valley.
Discover all the roads in LEGO Valley.
Smash all Bonus Boards in LEGO Valley.
Collect all Alien Debris in LEGO Valley.
Unlock the Brick Challenge 'Danish Hasty' then maintain 200mph in the LEGO F40 for 10 seconds.
Complete the LEGO Goliath in the LEGO McLaren Senna.
In the LEGO Mini Cooper, drive from the Oasis Island to Lighthouse in under 1 minute 45 seconds.
Smash 500 Bonus Cubes in LEGO Valley.
Complete all 'Event' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'PR Stunt' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Collectable' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Discovery' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Skill' Brick Challenges.
Complete all 'Smashable' Brick Challenges.
Earn 3 stars on the first chapter of "The Top Gear Horizon Special".
Complete seven chapters of "The Top Gear Horizon Special".
Earn 21 stars on "The Top Gear Horizon Special".
Complete ten chapters of "The Car Files".
Earn 30 stars on "The Car Files".
Complete all Seasonal Championships in a Festival Playlist Series.
Complete all Seasonal PR Stunts in a Festival Playlist Series.
Earn 1 Season Completion Bonus.
Earn all 8 Season Completion Bonuses in the same Series.
Complete all activities in a single Festival Playlist Series.
Play your first game of The Eliminator.
Drive 10 different cars in The Eliminator.
Play 25 games of The Eliminator.
Play 50 games of The Eliminator.
Win 25 Head-to-Heads in The Eliminator.
Collect 100 Car Drops in The Eliminator.
Win a Head-to-Head in The Eliminator.
Collect 5 Car Drops within a single game of The Eliminator.
Win 3 Head-to-Head races within a single game of The Eliminator.
Drive a level 10 car in The Eliminator.
Win a game of The Eliminator.
Win a game of The Eliminator without acquiring any Car Drops.
Survive until the Final Showdown in a Level 1 car.
Eliminate a car at least 5 levels higher than you in a Head-to-Head race.
Eliminate a car at least 5 levels lower than you in a Head-to-Head race.
Win the LEGO Bugatti Chiron Speed Champions Event
Complete the LEGO Goliath in less than 4 minutes in the LEGO Bugatti Chiron.
Reach Round 10 in the Horizon Drag Racing Series.
Complete all chapters of the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Earn all 30 stars from the "Upgrade Heroes" story.
Earn 3 stars from Chapter Two of the "Express Delivery" story.
Complete all chapters of the "Express Delivery" story.
Earn all 27 stars from the "Express Delivery" story.
Get 25 Clean Racing Skills in any A Class Car.
Take photos of 200 different cars for Horizon Promo.
Get 40 Air Skills in any Offroad Buggy.
Add your first object in Blueprint Builder
Complete your first Horizon Super7
Complete the Horizon Super7 7 times
Reach Level 10 in The Horizon Super7
Complete a Challenge Card in any Hoonigan Car
Complete a Challenge Card in any Hot Wheels Car
Complete 77 Challenge Cards
Place over 10 different objects in your Challenge Card using Blueprint Builder
Smash all 200 Bonus Boards.
Reach Danger Sign Hero level 10.
Finish 40 different Horizon Story chapters.
Get 100 stars in Horizon Stories.
Complete a #FORZATHON Weekly Challenge.
Complete The Trial.
Complete your first Team Adventure.
Reach level 5 in Racing Team Adventure, Games Team Adventure, or Anything Goes Team Adventure.
Qualify for a League in Ranked Team Adventure.
Complete a Season PR Stunt and receive a reward.
Get 3 stars on every PR Stunt.
Drive down every road in Britain.
Complete a race of 3 or more laps at The Goliath in a Forza Edition Car.
Complete a PvP Showdown Race in an X class and a D class car.
Complete the Festival Drag Strip in a Hot Hatch in under 25 seconds.
Get 258mph on a Speed Trap in the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport.
Get 3 stars at a Danger Sign in a vehicle from the Trucks Car Type.
Win a race in the Peel P50.
Reach Round Five of the Island Conqueror.
Reach Round Ten of the Island Conqueror.
Find/Smash 5 Treasure Chests.
Find/Smash all 10 Treasure Chests.
Complete Round 3 of a #Forzathon Live Event on Fortune Island.
Complete a Seasonal Championship on Fortune Island.
Earn 21 Stars in Drift Club on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Drift Zone on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Trailblazer Gate on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Speed Zone on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Speed Trap on Fortune Island.
Get 3 Stars on every Danger Sign on Fortune Island.
Complete The Kraken in less than 6 minutes in the Saleen S5S Raptor.
Get 3 stars on the Needle Fall Danger Sign in the Morris Minor Traveller.
3 Star the The Forest Run Trailblazer Gate in the Peel P50.
Complete The Leviathan in less than 8 minutes in the Ford Fiesta ST RX43.
Get over 180mph in the Koenigsegg CC8S at the Lady On The Lake Speed Trap.
Get a time of 40 seconds or better in the Exomotive Exocet at the Halcyon Point Trailblazer Gate.
Complete the first chapter of "British Racing Green".
Complete ten chapters of "British Racing Green".
Complete 5 PvP Races.
Earn 30 stars on "British Racing Green".
Complete ten chapters of "Isha's Taxis".
Complete the first chapter of "Skill Streak".
Complete ten chapters of "Skill Streak".
Earn 30 stars on "Skill Streak".