Complete 'Their Land, Their Blood' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete 'Vendetta' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
When staring into the face of adversity, show courage and persevere.
Complete 'Little Resistance' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete 'Hard Landing' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Burn an enemy out of a tree with the flamethrower in 'Hard Landing' (Solo or co-op)
Link all teleport pads before round 7. (Map Pack 3 only)
Activate the Fly Trap. (Map Pack 3 only)
Open all doors in the map. (Map Pack 3 only)
Use the Monkey Bomb. (Map Pack 3 only)
Upgrade any weapon in Pack A Punch. (Map Pack 3 only)
Reach round 15 in Nazi Zombies without getting revived. (Map Pack 2 only)
Kill 3 enemies with a single bullet. (Solo or co-op)
Kill no more than one zombie with a nuke. (Map Pack 2 only)
Complete a match in Competitive Co-Op mode over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)
Complete a match in Campaign Co-Op mode over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)
In 'Black Cats', blast out all of the spot lights in the Japanese cargo convoy. (Solo only)
Kill 8 Japanese with thrown mortars in 'Breaking Point'. (Solo or co-op)
Take out a Japanese soldier while he is lying in wait in the grass. (Solo or co-op)
Complete the game on any difficulty. (Solo only)
Establish a beachhead on the island of Peleliu on any difficulty. (Solo only)
Survive the land and air conflict surrounding Okinawa on any difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete all missions on the Eastern Front on any difficulty setting. (Solo only)
Save the soldier before he burns to death. (Solo or co-op)
Survive a Banzai attack. (Solo only)
Complete 'Semper Fi' on any difficulty. (Solo only)
Radio in a naval bombardment that kills at least 4 Japanese soldiers. (Solo or co-op)
Assassinate General Amsel with a pistol shot. (Solo only)
Complete 'Burn`em Out' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete a mission using only the flamethrower. Melee, grenades & explosives are OK. (Solo or co-op)
Complete 'Relentless' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete 'Blood and Iron' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Destroy all towers and bunkers in 'Blood and Iron'. (Solo or co-op)
Complete 'Ring of Steel' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Kill 15 enemies while mounted on a tank in 'Ring of Steel'. (Solo or co-op)
Complete 'Eviction' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Kill 10 enemies while the lights are out in the subway in 'Eviction'. (Solo or co-op)
Complete 'Black Cats' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Down 45 Japanese Zeros in 'Black Cats'. (Solo only)
Complete 'Blowtorch & Corkscrew' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete 'Breaking Point' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
In the final battle for Okinawa, save Sergeant Roebuck. (Solo or co-op)
Complete 'Heart of the Reich' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete 'Downfall' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Collect all Death Cards in the game. (Solo only)
Complete any level on Regular difficulty or higher using only melee and grenades. (Solo only)
On Hardened or Veteran difficulty, complete a level without dying. (Solo only)
Complete the game on Hardened or Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Complete a 4-player Competitive Co-Op match in 1st place over Xbox LIVE. (Online co-op only)
Repair 200 window boards in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
Earn 75,000 points in a single Nazi Zombie game. (Map Pack 2 only)
Have all four perks simultaneously active in a game of Nazi Zombies. (Map Pack 2 only)
Get 10 consecutive zombie melee kills before Insta-Kill expires. (Map Pack 2 only)
Kill at least one zombie with three different traps in a single round. (Map Pack 2 only)
Kill 200 zombies in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
Get 150 zombie headshots in a single game. (Map Pack 2 only)
Use the teleporter 8 times. (Map Pack 3 only)
Kill 40 zombies with the bowie knife. (Map Pack 3 only)
Obtain the Ray Gun, DG-2, and Monkey Bomb at the same time. (Map Pack 3 only)
Survive until round 20 without buying a single Perk. (Map Pack 3 only)
Upgrade 5 weapons at the Pack a Punch Machine. (Map Pack 3 only)
Complete 'Semper Fi' on Veteran difficulty. (Solo only)
Shoot all of Amsel's henchmen, including their attack dog, without reloading. (Solo only)