Discover planetary life
Get to the top of the mushroom tree before entering the volcano
Use the thruster 500 times
Use the thruster 250 times
Use the thruster 25 times
Use less than 10 power cells through the whole game
Use less than 10 fuel through the whole game
Keep ANI under constant Coating in the volcano
Keep ANI under constant Coating at the sea
Keep ANI under constant Coating on the glacier
Keep ANI under constant Coating in the desert
Use every single portal inside the Volcano
Leave ANI behind 3 times when passing through a planet portal
Leave ANI behind when passing through a planet portal
Finish the game without healing once
Reach the volcano without healing once
Reach the glacier without healing once
Reach the desert without healing once
Find a safe passage through dangerous waters
Find and scan every single Seed available
It's all snow and ice
Come to a final decision
Find and scan all available Tetrerium
Find and scan Tetrerium
Find a safe passage through the desert
Find the alien junkyard
Complete the game with ANI having more than 50% corrosion
Complete the game with ANI having less than 20% corrosion
Complete the game with ANI having a corrosion level between 20% an 50%
Complete the game without harming anything
The night is dark and full of terrors
Overcome the Watchers
Fall into an abyss and survive
Lure 10 Tumblers into traps
Setup a Tumbler trap
Find and decrypt all alien text fragments
Decrypt an alien text fragment
Craft all available improvements for ION and ANI
Craft 5 improvements
Defeat 50 Hostiles
Defeat 10 Hostiles
Discover ANI
Defeat a Hostile