Pass through the Violet Tower
Deal an instance of 1,000+ damage
Pass through the Green Tower
Encounter the inevitable moment...
Enter the land of Achra
Unlock the "Angiok" prestige class
Unlock the "Arch-Magus" prestige class
Pass through the Astrolith
Unlock the "Blood Mage" prestige class
Unlock the "Champion" prestige class
Deal an instance of 100,000+ damage
Deal an instance of 10,000+ damage
Deal an instance of 1,000,000+ damage
Unlock the "Doomsayer" prestige class
Unlock the "Earth Mage" prestige class
Unlock the "Executioner" prestige class
Kill the guardian of the Obelisk
Unlock the "Gothi" prestige class
Unlock the "Ice Shah" prestige class
Unlock the "Kashra" prestige class
Kill the guardian of the Astrolith
Unlock the "Mindpiercer" prestige class
Pass through the Obelisk
Unlock the "Oozemancer" prestige class
Unlock the "Pain Cleric" prestige class
Unlock the "Paragon" prestige class
Unlock the "Psychonaut" prestige class
Unlock the "Pyromaniac" prestige class
Pass through the Red Tower
Unlock the "Sahasi" prestige class
Unlock the "Samnite" prestige class
Unlock the "Shapeshifter" prestige class
Unlock the "Stormbringer" prestige class
Unlock the "Venite" prestige class
Unlock the "Void Mage" prestige class