Promote a Commander to rank 16
Destroy at least 4 enemy ships in a single Standard battle with a Japanese or German ship
Destroy more enemy ships than any other member of your team (at least 5) in a Standard battle
Destroy at least 4 enemy ships in a single Standard battle with an American or British ship
Unlock and install all modifications on a Tier VII Japanese or German ship
Destroy 200 enemy ships in Standard battles
Play 100 Standard battles as a Destroyer
Destroy 50 enemy ships with your torpedoes in Standard battles
Win a Standard battle while being the sole survivor in your team
Win a Standard battle and survive while also earning 200,000 credits
Play 100 Standard battles as a Cruiser
Score 5 citadel hits in a single Standard battle
Play 100 Standard battles as a Battleship
Earn 20 ribbons (excluding the 'Target Hit' ribbons) in a single Standard battle
Set enemy ships on fire 7 times in a single Standard battle
Destroy enemy ship modules 100 times in Standard battles
Capture a key area or base 3 times in Standard battles
Install 6 upgrades or modifications in any combination on a single ship
Destroy 20 enemy ships in Standard battles
Own 10 Japanese or German ships in any proportion at the same time
Simultaneously have 5 Japanese or German commanders in your roster
Research a Tier V ship
Promote Commander to legendary rank 1
Own 10 American or British ships in any proportion at the same time
Research a Tier III ship
Defend the base or a key area 3 times in Standard battles
Simultaneously have 5 American or British commanders in your roster
Win a Standard battle and survive while also obtaining the highest XP of your team
Survive and win any battle
Destroy an enemy ship dealing 50% or more damage with a single salvo in a Standard battle
Install a ship upgrade
Promote a Commander to rank 11
Promote a Commander to rank 7
Promote a Commander to rank 2
Win a Standard battle and survive while part of a Division
Destroy an enemy by fire that exceeds 50% of its HP in a Standard battle
Destroy an enemy by flooding that exceeds 50% of its HP in a Standard battle
Unlock and install all modifications on a Tier VII American or British ship