Stopped the hometown invasion.
Destroyed an IFV before it unloads any units.
Used a Fighter's machine guns to destroy a Soviet Fighter.
Destroyed a turret with a Heavy Tank.
Survived more than 9 rounds in a Survival game.
Played a Survival game in Co-op mode.
Earned 10 Assists in a Co-op game.
Earned 5 Rescued! bonuses.
Launched 4 Offensive Waves in a Versus game.
Held the contested build site at the end of a Versus game.
Played a Minigame 3 times consecutively.
Protected the fleet.
Completed Challenge Level 2 in every Minigame.
Destroyed the Super Tank.
Found 15 Golden Babushka Dolls
Played Co-op and earned a Platinum medal in Elite mode.
Destroyed the Homer.
Found 15 Golden Dog Tags.
Called in a Napalm Strike in a Versus game.
Brought the Cold War to an end.
Earned 11 Decorations.
Earned 22 Decorations.
Used Wavelist Rewind.
Earned a Platinum medal.
Earned a Platinum medal while playing on General.
Called in Commando.