Awarded for collecting all other trophies, etc etc. You know the drill. Thanks for playing (err, simulating?) the game!
Observe a round end with no winner.
Move a total of 777 spaces.
Move a total of 700 spaces
Move a total of 600 spaces
Move a total of 525 spaces
Move a total of 420 spaces
Guess correctly 10 times.
Move a total of 325 spaces
Guess correctly 7 times.
Guess correctly with the angelically possessed baseball who's probably on a watchlist somewhere.
See every racer win in a single game session (does not include "the house").
Move a total of 200 spaces
Guess correctly 5 times.
Guess correctly with the feathery dragon who may or may not be on his third round of asset re-use.
Move a total of 125 spaces
Guess correctly 3 times in a row in a single game session.
Guess correctly 3 times.
Move a total of 75 spaces
Guess correctly twice in a row in a single game session.
Guess correctly with the otterbear who rode a dragon into battle to save the world from a tyrannical wizard/father-in-law. Wait, what happened to this one?
Move a total of 50 spaces
Guess correctly for the first time.
Guess correctly with the snake in a boat whom you may remember from his time hiding behind a mountain for five minutes at a time.
Move a total of 25 spaces