Installed a mini-game
Finished the tutorial orders.
Rised to the rank of Sergant!
Rised to the rank of Lieutenant!
Rised to the rank of Captain!
Rised to the rank of Major!
Rised to the rank of Colonel!
You became the General of the Space Force
Earned 100 000 Resources
Repaired Ingenuity
Repaired Curiosity
Received gift from Jasmine
Repaired Sojourner
Runned away!
Salvaged resources from 100 parts
Got a reward for repair wheel
Repaired reactor in Curiosity
Printed 250 parts
Repaired rovers of both MER missions
Destroyed the first-aid kit in the crusher
Removed 1000 screws.
Unlocked all technician skills
Unlocked all economist skills
Unlocked all analyst skills