Earn your Private Pilots License in the Career
Achieve an A grade in any base Training mission outside of the Career
Complete your first tutorial training mission
Complete a flight in any game mode
Perform a touch-and-go landing at 2 different airports in a single session
Accumulate 2 hours of flight each in a jet, airliner, glider, and rotorcraft
Accumulate 50 hours of total flight time
Complete 50 successful landings at any heliport with no incidents
Have a rank in each active weekly Challenge in the Challenge League
Complete 10 weekly Challenges in the Challenge League
Complete 100 weekly Challenges in the Challenge League
Earn all 20 base certifications in the Career
Take three 3 star photos in World Photographer, in three separate collections
Take a photo in World Photographer, using photo mode
Complete a Collection Page in World Photographer
Complete 10 Collection Pages in World Photographer
Complete a Collection Page for Aviation, Man-Made, Nature, and Fauna in World Photographer
Collect 100 Stars in World Photographer
Complete all Basic Handling, Take Off and Landing, and VFR training missions
Purchase 5 aircraft in the Career
Create your first company in the Career
Soar for 20 minutes in a glider
Walk or run for 5km total
Successfully complete 30 seaplane landings without incident
Take off from an airport and land at another in an aircraft you own
Complete 3 missions in each of the World Photographer, Career, and Challenge League modes
Visit 7 landmarks by hot-air balloon. Stay within 1 km for 3 minutes at each landmark you visit