Complete all Apprentice encounters.
Have at least 1 of each type of equipment in your inventory.
Equip all the Mage items at once.
Possess 200 or more gold.
Kill an enemy with their own reflected projectile.
Complete the Mages encounter.
Complete 3 combats in a single run, without taking any damage.
Win a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
Complete the first level of a play session, without taking any damage.
Get 15 'Success' or 'Huge Success' chance cards in a single session.
Bash 5 enemies into traps in a single session.
Kill one of each monster type in a single session.
Unlock every equipment card.
Unlock every encounter card.
Equip all the Dragon Relic items at once.
Equip all the Skeleton King items at once.
Have 10 rings in your inventory at once.
Defeat the Dealer.
Get 12 'Failure' or 'Huge Failure' chance cards in a single session.
Complete the Fire in the Deep encounter.
Complete the Lich encounter.
Complete the Minotaur encounter.
Complete all 6 Charity encounters.
Complete all 6 Demon Trader encounters.
Complete all 6 Blood Auction encounters.
Possess 10 Blessings at once.
Possess 10 Curses at once.
Possess 150 or more health.
Possess 120 or more food.
Complete the first 3 levels of a play session, without taking any damage.
Defeat the Dealer as the Warlord.
Complete all Warlord encounters.
Complete all Shadow Agent encounters.
Complete all Curse of the Lion Prince encounters.
Complete all Explorer's Gift encounters.
Reflect 100 projectiles over multiple play sessions.
Complete all Hoarder's Desire encounters.
Complete all Iron Hunger encounters.
Complete all Merchant Guard encounters.
Complete all Monk encounters.
Complete all Nomad encounters.
Complete all Soldier's Training encounters.
Defeat the Kraken.
Equip the Kraken Sword and Mask at once.
Possess 300 or more Ore.
Trade with the Elder Lizard.
Complete the Goblin King's Halls IV encounter.
Reach level 30 in Endless Mode.
Defeat the White Minotaur.
Turn back the invasion from the underworld.
Enter a combat with less than 5 health remaining.
Land the killing blow on 10 enemies with a trap.
Perform 2 prone attacks in a row.