You have collected five samples with the magnetic drain on the Mars table!
You have entered the ruined Arena on the World War Hulk table.
You have defeated the spiders in the cellar on the Sorcerer's Lair table!
You used the omnipotent Cosmic Cube to your advantage on the Captain America table.
You have activated a Jaws Mode during a Quint Mode.
You have earned all stars in a Challenge mode game.
You have earned 1,000,000,000 points.
You have reached level 10 of a upgrade or wizard power.
You started Family Guy Pinball's Giggity Multiball mode.
You collected 35 Pinball Mastery points.
Awarded by the Mad Professor for not misbehaving too much on the Biolab table!
You have won a Matchup game.
You have unlocked 3 perks.
You have maxed out all the upgrades and wizard powers of a table.
You have caught the lightning on Back to the Future™ Pinball.
Multiplier was raised to maximum.
Chell defeated GLaDOS on the Portal ® table.
You completed Scout Ahead while avoiding the zombie ball on The Walking Dead table.
You reached level five on the Fallout® Pinball table.
You defeated a dragon on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim® Pinball table.
You triggered a shot with the BFG on DOOM® Pinball.
You won a quick-draw duel on the Wild West Rampage table.
You have defeated 50 incoming berserkers on the CastleStorm table.
Probe launched successfully on the Secrets of the Deep table.
Two successful shots completed against the galleon during Mock Warfare on the Rome table.
You defeated all of the guardians of the hidden mini-playfield on the Pasha table.
Ball locked in the Nitro Tank on the V12 table.
The Giant Ball ramp completed on the El Dorado table.
500.000 points or more secured in Funding Hurry-up on the Tesla table.
One of the four disasters summoned on the Shaman table.
You have completed all Tony Stark missions on the Iron Man table.
Aunt May's Dinner Party started on Spider-Man.
The ancient treasure trove on Blade is now liberated from the clutches of vampires.
Hand ninja defeated by a dumped ball on Wolverine.
All targets collected during Blitzkrieg USA on the Fear Itself table.
You scored a Surfer Award on The Infinity Gauntlet table.
Captain America's ball was saved from certain death with a bang back on Marvel's The Avengers table
Black Widow and Madame Masque joined up with all team members on the A‑Force table.
Bombshell Frenzy was started with the cross ramp on the Marvel’s Women of Power: Champions table.
You forced an AT-AT to its knees on the Star Wars Episode V table.
You have completed the clone training on the Clone Wars table. Well done, Soldier!
All imperial contracts were fulfilled in a single game on the Boba Fett table.
You started a Death Star multiball on the Star Wars™: Episode VI table.
You have wasted 5 X-wings in the Trench Run mode on the Star Wars™: Darth Vader table.
You survived a round in the Lone Fighter Mode on the Starfighter Assault table.
The cargo has been placed perfectly in the secret compartments 3 times on the Han Solo table.
R2-D2 repaired the unfortunate C-3PO on the Star Wars™: Droids™ table.
You completed a Tusken Raider mode on Star Wars™: Episode IV table.
Master combo reached on the Masters of the Force table.
You completed the story on the Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ table.
Crushing the Resistance Multiball has been started on the Might of the First Order table.
Three rounds in a row completed on the jump ramp of the Ghost Rider table!
You have completed all the Asgard missions on the Thor table.
3 heroes aided Professor Xavier in his battle against Magneto.
The Mooncopter has taken off straight for the skies on the Moon Knight table.
You started the Fantastic Four-Ball mode for the first time.
You have started the Shuma-Gorath Multiball on the Doctor Strange table.
Prison Breakout won with Captain America on the Civil War table.
You succesfully started a Weasel or a Blind Al mode with an additional ball on the Deadpool table.
The alliance of Venom and Spider-Man defeated Carnage on the Venom table.
The Orb Bonus mode was started on the Guardians of the Galaxy table.
You have won all Assemble hurry-ups with a single ball on the Avengers: Age of Ultron table.
Shrinking Multiball was started on the Ant-Man table.
You fought with the Inquisitor on the Star Wars Rebels™ table.
Krennic's Wrath has been completed on level 2 on the Star Wars™ Pinball: Rogue One™ table
Princess multiball launched on the Epic Quest table.
Invasion of Camelot has been repelled on the Excalibur table.
Ghost banished from the Haunted Mansion.
You are the master of cannons on Earth Defense table.
You knocked out Avery Bullock on the American Dad! Pinball table.
You have spent 100,000 bucks from the Operations Fund in the Archer Pinball table.
Bob started a party for Tina on the Bob's Burgers table.
You saved Ripley and Newt from the Facehuggers on the Aliens Pinball table.
You defeated the Alien during Wizard Mode on Alien vs. Predator Pinball.
Ripley evaded the Alien by using the Flamethrower on the Alien: Isolation Pinball table.
You started the Chronos multiball on the Son of Zeus table.
Used the Tireless Hands on both slingshots with the same ball on the Adventure Land table.
T. REX Chase mode has been finished in 40 seconds on the Jurassic Park Pinball table!
Dino Duel won three times on Jurassic Park Pinball Mayhem.
Indominus Rex was eaten by the Mosasaurus on the Jurassic World table.
You completed the story on the Star Wars™ Pinball: The Last Jedi™ table.
You started the Ahch-To Wizard Mode on Star Wars™ Pinball: Ahch-To Island.
Each phase of the Proper Ship mode was completed within 12 secs on Star Wars™ Pinball: Solo.
All of Lando's storylines were completed on Star Wars™ Pinball: Calrissian Chronicles.
You shot with the AT-DT three times.
You have scored a Super Jackpot on the Fish Tales™ table.
You started the wizard mode on the Medieval Madness™ table.
You started the Redline Mania on The Getaway: High Speed II™ table.
You completed the Outer Space mode on the Junk Yard™ table.
Humans were on their way to conquering Mars on the Attack from Mars™ table.
You sunk a ship on The Black Rose™ table.
All pinball partiers are gathered at the Cosmic Cottage on The Party Zone™ table.
You started the Grand Finale wizard mode on the Theatre of Magic™ table.
All 20 Magic Tokens were collected on the Safe Cracker™ table.
You defeated all the opponents on The Champion Pub™ table.
You got all the way down the river on the White Water™ table.
Red's Jackpot has been collected during multiball on Red and Ted's Road Show™.
At least 10 Million points were scored during Clown Time on the Hurricane™ table.
You rocked the Monster Bash™ table.
Girl found and Jackpot collected on Creature from the Black Lagoon.
You joined the Cirqus on the Cirqus Voltaire™ table.
The Evil Genie has been defeated and the Princess is freed on Tales of the Arabian Nights™.
Super Jackpot has been collected on No Good Gofers™.
The ball has been eaten by Rudy on the Funhouse™ table.
You docked the shuttles on the Space Station™ table.
Super Dude rank has been reached on the Dr. Dude And His Excellent Ray™ table.
You reached the Eternal Life on the Indiana Jones™: The Pinball Adventure table.
You participated in an online tournament.
You gathered all the Collectibles of a table.
You have earned all the stars of a table's Challenge modes.