Earn all Trophies to please the Emperor of Mankind.
Kill 2500 Horde type enemies.
Execute 50 enemies (only with Assassin or Crusader).
Create 100 Warp anomalies (Psyker only).
Achieve "Killstreak" bonus 30 times.
Achieve "Massacre" bonus for the first time.
Get "Angel of Death" bonus 30 times.
Get "Unbreakable" bonus 30 times.
Complete 50 multiplayer missions.
Complete a mission in local coop.
Revive each other 50 times.
Complete 25 side events during the missions.
Kill 250 Champion enemies.
Complete a Priority Assignment on Impossible difficulty or higher.
Complete 25 missions without dying.
Complete 5 Priority Assignments.
Complete an entire Priority Assignment sequence without dying.
Complete 10 Investigations on the highest difficulty.
Complete at least one mission from every type on the StarMap.
Complete 10 Void Crusade missions.
Join a Cabal.
Complete 10 Cabal directives with your Cabal.
Deal with 50 traps.
Kill 100 Elite creatures.
Open 100 supply chests.
Blow up 250 explosive containers.
Use Booster type Inoculator component 250 times.
Equip your first Relic item.
Craft 25 items.
Fuse a socket into a Relic item.
Acquire 5000 Fate points.
Reach Inquisitorial Rank 20 with at least one character.
Learn all the skills from a single Skill tree.
Unlock all Skill trees.
Kill 50 Commander enemies.
Research 10 Tech tree upgrades.
Reach Inquisitorial Rank 50 and complete a mission in a Warzone.
Reach maximum points in a Weekly Glory challenge.
Kill 5 Boss creatures.
You have eradicated the Coterie of Dissonance from the Triglav Subsector.
Kill 1000 Dark Eldar enemies.
Kill 50 enemies while they are in cover.
Destroy 100 Pain Catalysts in City of Suffering (DLC required).
Reach 1500 Score in City of Suffering (DLC required).
Unlock the "Agartha" Subsector.
Kill 1000 Khorne enemies.
Kill 2500 Enemies by your Kastelan Robots (Tech-Adept only).
Kill 20 Elite enemies on your level or higher (Tech-Adept only).
Complete a mission dealing damage only by your Construct turrets on your level or higher (Tech-Adept only).
Kill 1000 enemies with grenade.
Complete 5 missions without taking any Melee damage (Tech-Adept only).
Summon 1000 Constructs (Tech-Adept only).
Complete 25 missions without losing a single Construct (Tech-Adept only).
Kill 5000 enemies with ranged skills.
Kill 5000 enemies with melee skills.