Collect all the Crash Bandicoot Trophies.
Defeat Papu-Papu.
Defeat Ripper Roo.
Defeat Koala Kong.
Defeat Pinstripe Potoroo.
Defeat N. Brio.
Defeat N. Cortex.
In a single level, spin an enemy into another enemy twice.
Spin away an Extra Life.
Enter a Bonus Round after collecting 3 Character Tokens.
Discover a Gem Path after earning a Color Gem.
Earn 13 Gems.
Earn 26 Gems.
Earn 5 Relics.
Earn 10 Relics (gold or better).
Earn 26 Relics (gold or better).
Defeat 5 enemies with Coco's Spin.
Earn 99 Lives.