Scrap an object in a Shredder.
Use the Trade Platform to exchange Scrap for another resource.
Use a drill to deform a harder type of terrain.
Travel to the Mantle depth of any planet.
Plant a seed.
Change into a different suit.
Solve an EXO Dynamics Research Aid.
Use the Chemistry Lab to synthesize every single composite material.
Use the Atmospheric Condenser to collect every single type of gas.
Scrap 50 objects in a Shredder.
Complete the training missions.
Plant a Spinelily, Lashleaf, Bouncevine, Wheezeweed, Thistlewhip, Popcoral, and Daggeroot seed
Use the Terrain Tool to harvest every type of raw material.
Use the Smelter to craft every type of refined resource.
Gain 100,000 Bytes across all games.
Reach more than 150 Bytes-Per-Second of concurrent research.
Dig up a hazard.
Use a shuttle to leave Sylva.
Visit Desolo.
Research an item in the Research Chamber.
Visit Calidor.
Visit Vesania.
Visit Novus.
Visit Atrox.
Visit Glacio.
Slide uninterrupted for at least 10 seconds.
Be airborne in a rover for at least 10 seconds.
Dance on every planet.
Scan a Research Sample of any type.
Launch 10 fireworks in 10 seconds.
Join or host a multiplayer game session.
Use a Research Chamber to research something in another Astroneer's game.
Travel to the center of any planet in a multiplayer game.
Spend more than 4 total hours in multiplayer sessions.
Land on a planet with another player in the same shuttle.
Obtain every Achievement in Astroneer.
Use the Probe Scanner to find one of the mysterious Vintage Probes.
Said hello to the Wanderer.
Extract a resource using the Soil Centrifuge.
Synthesize a component with the Chemistry Lab.
Collect a gas with the Atmospheric Condenser.
Build a rover of any type.