Unlock the Smite Award "Prolific Curses"
Unlock the Smite Award "Blinding Brilliance"
As Sol hit an enemy with all 8 strikes of Supernova.
As Mercury reach 600 Movement Speed.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Calm Before the Storm."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Invigorate."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Brush of Death!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Spread the Fun!"
Unlock the Smite Award "Taking Aim"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Rise of the Spawn"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Turbulent Waters."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Omi Mastery."
As Guan Yu heal 3 or more of your teammates at once while your passive is charged.
Unlock the Smite Award "All in a Day's Work"
Unlock the Smite Award "Three Prongs of Trishula"
Unlock the Smite Award "Lifeguard"
As Thor, land on three or more enemy gods at once with your Ultimate, Anvil of Dawn.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Mauled to Death."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Two For One."
Unlock the SMITE Award "TREMORS!"
Unlock the Smite Award "Stunning Swordplay"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Embrace the Darkness"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Master Harvester."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Destroyer."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Protector King"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Argus to the Rescue."
Unlock the Smite Award "Orbital Cannon"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Royal Assault."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Grasping Vines."
Unlock the Smite Award "Quick Turn-In"
Unlock the Smite Award "Full Moon."
Unlock the Smite Award "Watch Your Step!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "True Strike."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Everlasting Flame"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Curse of Discord."
Unlock the Smite Award "Whispers of the Old Gods."
Unlock the SMITE Award "How Sweet."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Fatally Struck,"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Pretty Kitty."
"Unlock the SMITE Award "Soul Expulsion"!
Unlock the SMITE Award "Stygian Torment."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Cage Match."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Spreading Strife."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Pigging Out."
Unlock the SMITE Award Defend Olympus.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Berserker."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Strategist."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Murderous Nature."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Paolao."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Ohm."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Pacifist."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Simply Stunning."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bat Out of Hell."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Feel My Wrath."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Get Plucked."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Aren't You a Tank?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Buzzkill."
As Khepri abduct an enemy that is affected by Solar Flare five times in a single match.
As Thanatos execute three or more enemies in a single match using Hovering Death.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Shell Reflect."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Triple Treble."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Weather the Storm."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Shield Smash."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Ricochet."
As Ravana kill ten enemies with the damage from your Ultimate.
25 Assault matches played.
Unlock the SMITE Award So Slippery.
Unlock the SMITE Award Look at Me!
Unlock the SMITE Award "Rise My Pretties."
"Unlock the SMITE Award "What's in the Bag?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Book of Demons."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Rend Away."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Path to Victory!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bottoms Up."
Unlock the SMITE Award Where am I?
Unlock the SMITE Award Mummified.
As Mercury travel 75,000 feet in a single game.
5 Mastered Hunters.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Cat Scratch."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Fear My Evil."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Monkey Business."
Unlock the SMITE Award "I'll Protect You."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Cataclyzed."
As Bellona kill an enemy after having hit them with each of your weapon stances.
"Unlock the SMITE Award "Two's a crowd"!
Unlock the SMITE Award "Watch this."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Critalicious."
Unlock the SMITE Award "It's Spreading."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Where Are You Going?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Death's Call."
As Amaterasu hit three or more enemies with the final strike of your Ultimate.
5 Mastered Warriors.
As Nu Wa get 100 kills with Fire Shards.
As Nu Wa deliver the killing blow by exploding Clay soldiers with Shining Metal.
Unlock the SMITE Award Locked and Loaded.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Shattered Monolith."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bless You All."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Get Over Here."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Everybody Getting Tipsy."
As Bellona kill 10 enemies with the damage from Eagle's Rally.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Earthbreaker."
Unlock the SMITE Award "I Like to Juggle."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Unleash the Beast."
Get 25 killing blows on map objectives in qualifying matches.
Unlock the SMITE Award "My Lovely Lady Birds."
40 Gods Mastered.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Get to Work!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Take That."
Unlock the SMITE Award Back at Ya.
Unlock the SMITE Award "End of Days."
Unlock the SMITE Award Which Side are you on.
As Ravana break out of a root using Overhead Kick.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Kiss Me!"
Unlock the SMITE Award Made You Look!
As Xing Tian get an assist on 3 enemy gods within five seconds using Whirlwind of Rage and Steel.
Get a quadra kill in a qualifying match.
Unlock the SMITE Award Those are my Protections.
1 god at Mastery 10.
Unlock the SMITE Award Watch it Bounce.
Unlock the SMITE Award Spread the Love.
As Thanatos silence 15 enemies out of their abilities.
Unlock the SMITE Award Wave Dash.
Unlock the SMITE Award Twos Chains? Nah, Five.
Unlock the SMITE Award It's So Dark.
Unlock the SMITE Award More Power.
Get the killing blow on an enemy god using damage reflect.
Unlock the SMITE Award Meltmaster
Unlock the SMITE Award Face Me.
As Artemis Cripple twenty five enemy Gods with Transgressor's Fate.
As Artemis Stun three or more enemy gods with Calydonian Boar in one deployment.
As Poseidon keep your tide meter above 50% for more than a minute.
Unlock the SMITE Award Oh the Agony.
Unlock the SMITE Award Blighted.
As Amaterasu fully charge her mirror in one second.
Unlock the SMITE Award Who let Kaldr Out?
Unlock the SMITE Award Ice isn't Nice.
Unlock the SMITE Award Hello, is this Storm?
Unlock the SMITE Award The Slow Dance.
Kill 3 enemy gods with a single ability.
Unlock the SMITE Award Drums in the Distance.
Unlock the SMITE Award Go My Friend.
5 Mastered Guardians.
As Poseidon hit three or more enemy gods with your Ultimate.
Deliver the killing blow on a map objective where enemies did more damage in a qualifying match.
As Xing Tian reach and stay at full stacks of Smoldering Rage for over 30 seconds.
As Arachne successfully stun 3 or more enemy gods in a match with Cocoon.
As Arachne have your broodlings deliver the killing blow to an enemy god.
As Chiron hit three or more enemy gods with Masterful Shot.
5 Mastered Assassins.
Killed 25 gods from damage dealt by landing from a leap.
As Thor, stun three or more enemy gods at once using Tectonic Rift.
Play 25 league matches.
Reach Level 30.
As Ymir, hit 50 Basic Attacks on enemies who are affected by Frost Bite in a single match.
25 Siege matches played.
Win a match where your team had 4000 less combined gold than the enemy team.
Get 5 triple kills in qualifying matches.
Play a game of Assault in Versus mode.
Play a game of Arena in Versus mode.
Play a game of Conquest in Versus Mode.
5 Mastered Mages.
Play a game of Joust in Versus mode.
Dealt damage to every enemy player in Arena before any of them damaged you.
Summon 20 Siege Monsters in Siege Mode.
25 Arena matches played.
Destroy 50 towers in qualifying matches.
Get the killing blow on an enemy Siege Monster in Siege Mode.
Win an Arena match with more than 100 tickets remaining.
Get 50 killing sprees in qualifying matches.
You killed more than 20 enemy gods in a single Conquest match.
Win an Arena match where your team has only 20 tickets or less remaining.
Shut down 10 killing sprees in qualifying matches.
25 Normal Conquest matches played.
Disarm or Silence 10 enemy gods.
Reach the maximum Attack Speed of 2.5 in a single match.
Survived more than 50 battles with less than 10% health.
Get 10 first blood accolades in qualifying matches.
Completed a match with a god from all Pantheons.
25 Joust 3v3 matches played.
Complete a match with 5 or more Kills, 10 or more Assists, and 2 or fewer Deaths.
Get 10 double kills in qualifying matches.
Get the killing blow on an enemy god with a Basic Attack while playing a Guardian.
You have leaped over 100 times with gods that have leaps.
Healed gods other than yourself for more than 10,000 health.
Kill 100 gods in qualifying matches.
Destroy a tower before 8 minutes in Conquest or Siege.
You have earned First Blood in any game mode before 0:00 on the in-game clock.
Get a double kill where both kills were the result of ranged basic attacks.
Get 100 assists in qualifying matches.
Kill an enemy god after they had already killed you.
Knockup 15 enemy gods.
Win a game of Conquest, Siege, or Joust after one of your Phoenixes was destroyed.
Stun 15 enemy gods.
Root or Cripple 15 enemy gods.
Win a match where your team has killed twice as many gods as the enemy team.
Get the killing blow on an enemy god without taking damage from them.
100 Minions killed.
Hit 3 different enemy gods with a single ability.
Kill 20 minions by getting the last hit with a Basic Attack in a single match.
As Kukulkan kill three or more enemy gods with one Whirlwind.
As Khepri, save everyone on your team, including yourself, in one game.
Unlock the SMITE Award Serenade.
Unlock the SMITE Award My Chariot Awaits.
Unlock the SMITE Award That's Not Me.
Unlock the SMITE Award Eye of the Tiger.
Unlock the SMITE Award Cleansed Your Soul.
Unlock the SMITE Award Axemanship.
Unlock the SMITE Award Bowmanship.
Unlock the SMITE Award That's a Spicy Meatball.
Unlock the SMITE Award Up Against the Wall.
Unlock the SMITE Award The Fury of the Desert
Unlock the SMITE Award Water Illusionist.
Unlock the SMITE Award Heads Up!
Unlock the SMITE Award The Power of the Heart
Unlock the SMITE Award A Mighty Sword.
Unlock the SMITE Award Assassinate.
Unlock the SMITE Award Detonate.
Unlock the SMITE Award "Watch your Step."
Unlock the SMITE Award "No Scope."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Got You."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Yes, I'm a Monster."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Where Did I Go?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Got Nuts?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Look out Below!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Corpses aka Landmines."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bird Bomb."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Tortoise Power."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Undefeated."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Banished."
Unlock the SMITE Award "That Was Close."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Silenced."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Stay In the Circle."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bringing Down the Law."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Where Are My Kitties?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "My Hips Don't Lie."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Jade, Go!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Stay There."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Down, Set, Gut."
Unlock the SMITE Award "So Steady."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Killer Wave."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Re-Rewind."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Hands of Time."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Rooted!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Bounty Hunter."
Unlock the SMITE Award "You Thought You Had Me?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Vampirism."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Afterlife Awaits You."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Out of My Way."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Baby Smash."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Wall of Death."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Narrow Escape."
Unlock the SMITE Award "3v3."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Mirror Match."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Season's Shift."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Mounted Archery."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Number 1 Stunnah."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Crowd Cheers!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Fear of the Night."
Unlock the SMITE Award "True Nightmare."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Get Erupted!"
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Legend of Excalibur."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Elemental Mastery."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Infused with Power,"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Toxic Veins,"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Where We Dropping?"
Unlock the SMITE Award "From all Angles"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Eternal Ruler"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Fabricated Destiny"
Unlock the SMITE Award "Far Seeing Sight."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Journey Through the Realms."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Weapon Mastery S."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Perfect Brew."
Unlock the SMITE Award "The Cabin."
Unlock the SMITE Award "Shattered Mind."
Kill enemy gods more than 20 times in a single match, and only die once.
Unlock the Smite Award "Fortuitous investment"
Unlock the Smite Award "The Best Sake Merchant!"
Unlock the Smite Award "Primordial Queen"
Unlock the Smite Award "Mother of Monsters"
Unlock the Smite Award "Dropkick Adventure"
Unlock the Smite Award "Power Devoured"
Unlock the Smite Award "Strength Drawn from Pain"
Unlock the Smite Award "Drown Your Sorrow"
Unlock the Smite Award "The Monster Inside"
Unlock the Smite Award "Jump Scare"
Unlock the Smite Award "You Cannot Hide"
Unlock the Smite Award "Are you Burdened?"
Unlock the Smite Award "Dance of Bliss and Destruction"
Unlock the Smite Award "Dragon's Call"
Unlock the Smite Award "Phoenix Fire"
Unlock the Smite Award "Jousting Champion"
Unlock the Smite Award "The Knights Bond"
Be the only god left alive on either team in Conquest, Assault, or Arena.
Destroy 25 enemy wards.
Get a penta kill in a qualifying match.
"Unlock the SMITE Award "Charge"!
As Neith, kill an enemy god with the damage from your Backflip.
As Neith, stun three or more enemy gods with a single Spirit Arrow.
As Ra, end a game with over 30,000 player healing.
As Ra, steal the fire giant away from your opponents using Searing Pain.
As Ymir, kill three or more enemy gods using your Ultimate.
As Hou Yi hit a different enemy God on all three bounces of one Ricochet.
As Hou Yi utilize Mark of the Crow to Knock-back, Stun, and Slow an enemy god in 5 seconds.
As Rama kill two enemy gods while in your Ultimate.
As Rama Cripple every enemy god in a single match using Rolling Assault.
As Agni stun three or more enemy gods with Noxious Fumes.
As Agni get the killing blow with the damage from Combustion.
As Bakasura eat twenty five minions using Eat Minion in a single match.
As Bakasura get three kills on enemy gods with the damage from Butcher Blades.
As Sol stun two or more enemy gods with the trail from Disapparate.
As Chiron get a triple kill while in your ultimate, Centaurus.
As Kukulkan kill an enemy at full health using only Spirit of the Nine Winds.