Obtain all achievements.
Receive a telepathic message from King Kai.
Receive 20 telepathic messages from King Kai.
Summon Shenron from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish.
Summon Shenron 5 times from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish.
Summon Shenron 10 times from the Dragon Ball menu to make a wish.
Complete 10 challenges at a Training Grounds location with any character.
Make a full-course meal.
Make 5 full-course meals.
Collect 10 D Medals.
Collect 100 D Medals.
Acquire a Super Attack or Mastery in the Super Attack Skill Tree.
Acquire 50 Super Attacks or Masteries in the Super Attack Skill Tree.
Acquire 100 Super Attacks or Masteries in the Super Attack Skill Tree.
Get an instant victory on an enemy.
Get 50 instant victories on enemies.
Build a machine part.
Build a hovercar.
Build a Bipedal Robo Walker.
Unlock an entry in the Z Encyclopedia.
Unlock 200 entries in the Z Encyclopedia.
Unlock 400 entries in the Z Encyclopedia.
Complete a Turtle School training challenge and report to Master Roshi.
Complete 20 Turtle School training challenges and report to Master Roshi.
Complete 50 Turtle School training challenges and report to Master Roshi.
Use 10 Super Attack Assists.
Perform 10 Z Combos.
Complete a sub story.
Complete 10 sub stories.