Build an Airport
Build a Skyscraper Hotel
Have over $50 000 in your Swiss Bank account
Construct 3 different industry buildings in one game
Win 80% of the votes in Elections
Earn $100 000 from Oil export
Have population of over 250 and no Shacks
Finish a "Free Elections" Sandbox game
Earn $1 000 000 from industry in a single game
Praise yourself in an Election Speech
Construct at least 1000 meters of roads and 4 Garages
Build all Tourist Attractions on one island
Resolve a hostage situation
Establish Secret Police
Have more than 20 soldiers and generals in one game
Have over $20 000 in your Swiss Bank account
Make an alliance with the US
Survive an assassination attempt
Address the people from the balcony of your Palace
Become a leading exporter of tropical fruits
Build a Power Plant
Win a battle against the Rebels
Fulfill an Election Promise
Rush the construction of 5 buildings
Learn how to run a Banana Republic
Prove your governing skills on 15 different islands in Campaign mode
Issue 5 kill orders in one game
Bribe 10 citizens in one game
Arrange 15 "Accidents" in one game
Have over $100 000 in your swiss Bank account
Finish a game with overall Happines of your citizens above 70%
Finish a "Rebel Yell" Sandbox game.
Issue 200 edicts
Make an alliance with the USSR
Survive 10 Hurricanes and Earthquakes
Suppress a Military Coup
Deal with a bomb threat
Finish your mandate on 5 different islands in Campaign mode
Arrest 20 citizens in one game
Finish a game with respect of all factions above 70
Lead 10 different islands to prosperity in Campaign mode
Finish a Sandbox game in God mode
Finish an online Challenge
Construct 1337 buildings
Suppress an uprising
Make 10 official visits to buildings
Decorate a soldier with a medal
Construct 200 buildings on one island
Earn $1 000 000 from tourism profits in a single game