Hint: ***o*n 5
Score over 10,000 points while in a single Star Power deployment
Successfully complete a Band Moment
Score over 1,000,000 points as a band in any single song in Career or Quickplay
100% a song as a vocalist
Complete at least one challenge for every instrument at Gold level or better
Complete a song with 4 players without any members failing on expert in Career or Quickplay
Complete a song as 4 of the same instrument on any difficulty in Quickplay or Career
Earn an 11x multiplier
Streak through an entire song without missing a note on medium or harder difficulty
Collect all of the Secret Notes
Complete a Career gig on any difficulty
Hint: *e*** *c******y
Hint: **n** ***k***
Hint: *** *ol**** ****e*
Hint: **l* *ll**
Hint: A** * A*
Hint: **v** *o***
Hint: *v***s***c*
Hint: H*****
Hint: *a* B****a*
Hint: *o ***b*
Hint: ***v** **y*
Hint: **i** *i***
Hint: **ll*** ****l*
Hint: **l*** **ff
Hint: *e***w***d
Hint: *h* *ll-**e***** **j****
Hint: **y O******
Hint: **r* **u****
Create a GHTStudio song
Complete the Tutorials
Complete 25% of the gigs in Career
Complete 50% of the gigs in Career
Complete 75% of the gigs in Career
Earn 111 Stars in Career
Earn 333 Stars in Career
Earn 555 Stars in Career
Earn Platinum level on a Career Challenge
Earn Diamond level on a Career Challenge
Unlock every venue
Complete Career on any difficulty with any instrument
Host an online Career game and play a song
Complete 25 online Pro Face-Off matches, win or lose
Play an online Do or Die game
Complete the gigs and unlock all of the celebrity characters
Complete 50 of the Career Challenges at Platinum or Diamond
Play through every Band Hero song once
Complete a song as an Avatar rocker