Obtain all weapons.
Finish the Thronebreaker campaign.
Complete 20 Puzzles.
Win a non-Puzzle Battle without any of your units being killed.
Finish the Thronebreaker tutorial.
Play 5 or more characters in one battle.
Own at least one copy of each non-Reynard, non-Gascon unit.
End a round with a score of over 300.
Obtain 10 trinkets.
Find an Easter Egg.
Earn 10,000 or more gold.
Use Meve to trigger allies' Loyal abilities 100 times.
Kill 9 enemies simultaneously.
Win a non-Puzzle Battle with less than 10 damage taken in total.
Pray at 10 Shrines.
Collect 15 Treasure Maps.
Recruit 200 Soldiers.
Gather 5,000 wood throughout the game.
Unlock all achievements.
Find all golden chests.
Fully upgrade your army camp.
Read all spymaster letters.