Complete ‘The Scalding Cell’ dungeon
Find all of the Color Affinity Attachments
Complete ‘Blast Canyon’ dungeon
Clear all objectives in ‘Blast Canyon’ dungeon
Complete ‘Brimstone Cut’ dungeon
Max out a Friendly Corebot to level 30
Collect 50000 E-Turner
Defeat Victor at the Bottom of the E-Tower
Find all Hardware pickups in Lonely Basin after Pylon 512 is repaired
Complete all Hunting Challenges in one category
Defeat the leader of the Obsidian Cult
Clear all objectives in ‘Needle Nest’ dungeon
Cause over 10000 Damage in one hit
Kill 3 enemy corebots in less than 1 second with the Chrome Shot
Upgraded Joule's Energy Rifle
Extract 25 Cores
Extract 50 Cores
Extract 100 Cores
Use every Lethal combination
Clear all objectives in ‘Stockpile Surge’ dungeon
Find all Hardware pickups in The Cradle
Clear all objectives in ‘Devil’s Dance’ dungeon
Find all of Julius Roldán's log book entries
Leveled Up a Corebot
Outfit a Corebot with a completed Part Set of any type
Dig up 20 items using a K-9 Frame
Find all of Natalie Bright's log book entries
Completed the Granite Steps
Find all Hardware pickups in The Shifting Sands
Find all of Violet's log book entries
Put Mack into a non K-9 Frame
Kill an enemy corebot with a Lobb Shot that spends 3 seconds in flight
Complete all Story Missions
Achieve a Combo of 20
Complete ‘Devil’s Dance’ dungeon
Use a Fast Travel station
Glide for 20 continuous seconds using an FL1-R Frame
Complete ‘Well of Shadows’ dungeon
Clear ‘Tumbledown’ dungeon within 180 seconds
Max out Joule's Energy Rifle level
Find all of Thomas Adams's Diary log book entries
Achieve a Combo of 40
Kill an Enemy by Color Matching
Upgrade Joule's health to its maximum
Complete ‘Tumbledown’ dungeon
Get to the E-Tower
Find all Prismatic Cores
Perform an instant extract
Make a FL1-R Frame
Find the Entrance to Pylon 512
Dig up 10 items using a K-9 Frame
Complete Core Foundry
Complete ‘Needle Nest’ dungeon
Complete Every Dungeon once
Kill 3 enemy corebots in less than 1 second with the Split Shot
Find all Hardware Pickups in the Starving Sea
Perform 20 Instant Extractions
Use Core Fusion to increase a stat on any Core
Unlock the T8-NK Frame
Command each Core companion to do a T8-NK Lethal
Restored power to Pylon 512
Smash something using the AP-3 Frame
Find Every Blueprint set
Seth Joins Joule's Crew
Duncan Joins Joule's Crew
Complete The Warren
Complete ‘Stockpile Surge’ dungeon
Max out one friendly Core through Core Fusion
Craft 10 Parts
Craft a Part
Crafted 25 Parts
Craft 50 Parts
Extract a Core from an enemy