Unlock all other achievements.
Push the Zombie Scale to max zombie.
Steal 10 items during a shakedown.
Kill someone in cold blood in a shakedown.
Max out your Wanted level for the first time.
Perform 10 dismemberments.
Deploy a frankie.
Set 50 placeables.
Land 50 finishing blow attacks.
Complete Wave 25 in the Death Gauntlet.
Defeat 500 zombies.
Clear 100 missions.
Buy an item from a shop during a sale.
Travel the Junkyard with the Sleigh at high speed.
Gather 500 times.
Fuse together a new zombie.
Craft all items at a crafting table.
Harvest 100 crops from the fields.
Create a golden vegetable dish.
Learn all recipes.
Unlock all skills.
Push the Zombie Scale to max human.