Killed 4 enemies simultaneously using Charge Flame.
Killed 3 enemies without touching the ground
Met the Spirit Tree
Restored your first Map Stone
Used your first ability point
Found your first secret
Completed the Prologue
Discovered Gumo
Opened 5 shortcuts using the Charge Flame
Rescued Gumo
Entered the Ginso Tree
Restored the heart of the Ginso Tree
Escaped the rising waters of the Ginso Tree
Cleared the Misty Woods
Restored the winds of Nibel
Escaped Kuro
Obtained the Sunstone
Entered Mt. Horu
Restored the Element of Warmth
Reunited with Naru
Completed the game
Created 50 Soul Links
Killed 25 enemies using Bash to reflect projectiles
Killed 5 enemies with Charge Jump
Found 50% of all secrets
Found all secrets
Restored 50% of all Map Stones
Restored all Map Stones
Found the lost corridor in the Misty Woods
Saved at every Spirit Portal
Visited 100% of the map
Collected 200 Energy Shards
Earned all Efficiency Skills in the Ability Tree
Earned all Utility Skills in the Ability Tree
Earned all Combat Skills in the Ability Tree
Earned all Skills in the Ability Tree
Collected all Energy Cells
Collected all Health Cells
Juggled a rock 5 times without it hitting the ground
Bashed off enemies 10 times in a row without touching the ground
Tricked 5 enemies into killing another enemy
Caused an enemy to destroy itself
Crushed a Ram with a Stomper
Killed 50 enemies with Stomp
Killed 100 enemies with Charge Flame
Killed 500 enemies with Spirit Flame
Finished the game in under 3 hours
Double Jumped 5 times consecutively without touching the ground
Completed whole game without dying
Completed the whole game without using an Ability Point
Escaped the Boulder in Black Root Burrows
Uncovered the mysteries of Naru
Killed 5 enemies using Charge Dash
Activated 3 torches using Light Burst
Killed 50 enemies with Light Burst
Completed the game on Hard Difficulty
Completed the game on One Life Difficulty