Cause a total of 25,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in Random Battles when playing in tank destroyers.
Earn a total of 1,000 base defence or capture points in Random Battles. Points for resetting base capture and/or successfully capturing the enemy base are counted.
Earn 50,000 experience in Random Battles. Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including experience received for courageous resistance).
Complete the Bootcamp.
Score a total of 1,000 armor-penetrating hits on enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Complete all Briefing missions.
Destroy at least one enemy vehicle by ramming in a Random Battle.
Cause 1,500 HP of damage and destroy two enemy vehicles in one Random Battle when playing in a tank destroyer.
Cause, receive, and block a total of 3,000 HP of damage in one Random Battle when playing in a heavy tank.
Complete 15 Personal Missions in the same branch.
Complete all Personal Missions in the same operation.
Complete one Personal Mission.
Use a type of consumables at least three times in a Random Battle. Repair Kits, First Aid Kits, and Fire Extinguishers of the same type are counted.
Earn 100,000 experience in Random Battles. Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including experience received for courageous resistance).
Destroy an enemy vehicle two tiers higher than yours in a Random Battle.
Earn the Bruiser award.
Earn the Steel Wall award.
Earn the Top Gun award.
Receive the Ace Tanker Mastery Badge.
Research and purchase a Tier X vehicle.
Research and purchase a Tier V vehicle.
Research and purchase a Tier VI vehicle.
Research and purchase a Tier VII vehicle.
Research and purchase a Tier VIII vehicle.
Research and purchase a Tier IX vehicle.
Receive five Ace Tanker Mastery Badges.
Earn 10,000 experience in Random Battles. Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including experience received for courageous resistance).
Destroy an enemy vehicle in a Random Battle while remaining unspotted.
Earn a total of 1,000 Free Experience in Random Battles. Free Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including Free Experience received for courageous resistance).
Block a total of 15,000 HP of damage in Random Battles when fighting in heavy tanks.
Enable your allies to cause 500 HP of damage in one Random Battle by stunning or immobilizing enemy vehicles when playing in an SPG.
Block twice as much damage as the number of hit points of your vehicle in one Random Battle.
Earn 15,000,000 credits in Random Battles. Credits received for Standard Account are counted (including credits received for courageous resistance).
Be the last player on your team to be destroyed by the enemy.
Earn 1,000,000 credits in Random Battles. Credits received for Standard Account are counted (including credits received for courageous resistance).
Cause damage that equals at least 25% of the total HP of enemy vehicles in a Random Battle.
Cause a total of 25,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in Random Battles when playing in medium tanks.
Cause 2,000 HP of damage to enemy vehicles in one Random Battle when playing in a medium tank.
Cover a total distance of 500,000 meters in Random Battles.
Earn 5,000,000 credits in Random Battles. Credits received for Standard Account are counted (including credits received for courageous resistance).
Destroy 250 enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Receive the Mastery Badge Class I or higher.
Earn 10 awards in the Battle Heroes category.
Stun enemy vehicles for a total of 500 seconds in Random Battles when fighting in SPGs. Potential stun duration is counted.
Earn a total of 5,000 Free Experience in Random Battles. Free Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including Free Experience received for courageous resistance).
Enable your allies to cause twice as much damage as the number of hit points of your own vehicle to enemy vehicles spotted by you in one Random Battle.
Fight in a Random Battle.
Enable your allies to cause 15,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you in Random Battles when fighting in light tanks.
Destroy two enemy vehicles using different types of shells in a Random Battle.
Cause twice as much damage as the number of hit points of your vehicle in one Random Battle.
Cause and/or enable your allies to cause at least 2,000 HP of damage in one Random Battle when playing in a light tank.
Spot 100 enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Destroy the tracks of 100 different enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Destroy 50 enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Destroy 500 enemy vehicles in Random Battles.
Receive three Ace Tanker Mastery Badges.
Win and be the top player on your team by experience earned in a Random Battle five times while playing in Tier X vehicles.
Destroy two Tier IV–X enemy light tanks in a Random Battle.
Earn a total of 2,500 Free Experience in Random Battles. Free Experience received for Standard Account is counted (including Free Experience received for courageous resistance).