Walk 100 000 meters.
Reach level 100.
Survive 28 minutes without using your main weapon.
Survive 5 minutes with a maxmimum health of 250 or less.
Apply debuffs 500 000 times.
Apply burn to 200 000 enemies.
Kill 40 000 Imps.
Collect a total of 200 000 gold.
Kill 50 000 enemies.
Kill a total of 150 elite enemies.
Apply 50 000 debuffs in total.
Deal 500 000 burn damage in one run.
Kill a total of 10 bosses.
Purchase 40 items from the wellkeeper.
Play for 666 minutes.
Level Up 2 000 times.
Apply 20 stacks of electrify on a single enemy.
Crit enemies 500 000 times.
Block 90 attacks in one run.
Take a total of 15 000 damage over all runs.
Kill 50 000 Gargoyles
Kill 50 000 Wraiths
Acquire the trait [Channeling V] in a run.
Do not get hit for 5 minutes.
Enter the Halls of Torment 20 times and survive at least 5 minutes.
Acquire the trait [Metabolism V] in a run.
Kill 50 000 Scorched.
Crit enemies 2 000 enemies with your main attack in one run. Shield Bash doesn't count.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with the shield bash.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with the shield bash.
Acquire the trait [Parry V] in a run.
Wait for 180 seconds before you start moving. You must move in order to complete the quest.
Get hit 500 times in a single run.
Survive 20 minutes without regenerating any health. Recovery from Potions or effects is allowed.
Get hit a total of 500 times over all attempts.
Kill a total of 10 lord.
Apply burn to 50 000 enemies.
Apply electrify 100 000 times.
Kill 400 000 enemies in total.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Kugelblitz.
Destroy 200 Objects.
Crit enemies 50 000 times within one run.
Apply debuffs 50 000 times.
Do not get hit for 3 minutes.
Kill a total of 100 bosses.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Arcane Splinter.
Walk 5 000 meters in one run.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with the Golem.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Meteor Strike.
Recover 100 000 HP in total
Purchase 10 items from the wellkeeper.
Enter the Halls of Torment 5 times. (Archer)
Apply damage effects 500 000 times.
Deal 2 000 000 damage with Dragon's Breath.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Ring Blades.
Play for 333 minutes.
Deal 1 000 000 damage with Dragon's Breath.
Consume a total of 100 potions.
Kill a total of 50 elite enemies.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Meteor Strike.
Reach level 60.
Deal 750 000 damage with Meteor Strike.
Deal 3 000 000 damage in one run.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Kugelblitz.
Kill 40 000 Hellhounds.
Deal 500 000 electrify damage in one run.
Deal 750 000 damage with Kugelblitz.
Apply burn to 1 000 enemies in a single run.
Hit 1 000 Enemies for 500 or more damage in one run. (Main Attack)
Deal 5 000 000 lightning damage in one run.
Deal 2 000 000 lightning damage in one run.
Reach level 30.
Deal 500 000 lightning damage in one run.
Increase your movement speed to 11m/s.
Level Up 500 times.
Hit 15 Enemies with a single attack. Can't be done with the shield bash.
Defeat a Lord.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Radiant Aura.
Survive 28 minutes without any defense buffs.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with the Golem.
Deal 500 000 damage with Dragon's Breath.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Ring Blades.
Deal 300 000 damage with the shield bash.
Kill 50 000 enemies with effects.
Defeat the Lord of Despair.
Deal 750 000 damage with the Golem.
Survive 28 minutes with your original max health. (Don't use items, blessings or traits)
Survive the Forgotten Viaduct until there are only 2 minutes left.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Astronomer's Orbs.
Kill 10 000 enemies in one visit of the Forgotten Viaduct.
Defeat the Hydra.
Walk 8 000 meters in one run.
Survive the Forgotten Viaduct until there are only 10 minutes left.
Kill 100 000 enemies in total.
Collect a total of 20 000 gold.
Kill 5 000 enemies in one visit of the Forgotten Viaduct.
Apply damage effects 50 000 times.
Apply burn to 10 000 enemies.
Defeat the Frost Knight.
Apply 50 or more burn effects at the same time.
Deal 3 000 000 fire damage in one run.
Survive the Forgotten Viaduct until there are only 18 minutes left.
Deal 200 000 burn damage in one run.
Deal 1 000 000 fire damage in one run.
Deal 100 000 000 damage in total.
Defeat the Wraith Horseman.
Kill 1 000 enemies in one visit of the Forgotten Viaduct.
Deal 300 000 fire damage in one run.
Purchase an item from the Wellkeeper.
Retrieve 1 item from the Halls of Torment.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Radiant Aura.
Kill 40 000 Slimes.
Kill 25 000 enemies in one run.
Kill 40 000 Skeletons.
Kill 5 000 Hellhounds in one exploration.
Deal 750 000 damage with Radiant Aura.
Deal 5 000 000 summon damage in one run.
Deal 2 000 000 summon damage in one run.
Deal 500 000 summon damage in one run.
Apply 10 stacks of Fragile on a single enemy at once.
Defeat the Lord of Regret.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Transfixion.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Astronomer's Orbs.
Survive the Ember Grounds until there are only 2 minutes left.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Arcane Splinter.
Regenerate 1 500 HP in one run. Only passive regeneration is counted.
Kill 15 000 enemies in one visit of the Ember Grounds.
Defeat the Wyrm Queen.
Crit enemies 50 000 times.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Lightning Strike.
Deal 750 000 damage with Astronomer's Orbs.
Deal 750 000 damage with Arcane Splinter.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Transfixion.
Get Arcane Splinter to Level 3 to be able to select Ability Upgrades.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Lightning Strike.
Survive the Ember Grounds until there are only 12 minutes left.
Get Astronomer's Orbs to Level 3 to be able to select Ability Upgrades.
Rescue the Wellkeeper.
Deal 750 000 damage with Transfixion.
Deal 750 000 damage with Lightning Strike.
Get Lightning Strike to Level 3 to be able to select Ability Upgrades.
Deal 5 000 000 magic damage in one run.
Kill 5 000 enemies in one visit of the Ember Grounds.
Deal 1 500 000 magic damage in one run.
Defeat the Flamedancer.
Kill 1 000 enemies in one visit of the Ember Grounds.
Deal 500 000 magic damage in one run.
Enter the Halls of Torment 5 times and survive at least 5 minutes.
Defeat the Lord of Pain.
Kill a total of 1 lord.
Deal 3 000 000 damage with Phantom Needles.
Crit enemies 20 000 times within one run.
Get Phantom Needles to Level 3 to be able to select Ability Upgrades.
Deal 750 000 damage with Ring Blades.
Survive until there are only 10 minutes left.
Kill 20 000 enemies in one run.
Kill 15 000 enemies in one run.
Defeat the Lich.
Deal 1 500 000 damage with Phantom Needles.
Acquire the trait [Quick Hands IV] in a run.
Deal 750 000 damage with Phantom Needles.
Crit enemies 5 000 times within one run.
Deal 10 000 000 damage in total.
Increase your movement speed to 8m/s.
Kill 5 000 enemies in one run.
Deal 1 000 000 damage with the main weapon.
Defeat the Skeleton Lord.
Acquire the trait [Strength IV] in a run.
Consume a total of 10 potions.
Survive the Ember Grounds until there are only 22 minutes left.
Regenerate 2 000 HP in one run
Collect a total of 300 gold.
Survive until there are only 14 minutes left.
Hit 1 000 Enemies for 300 or more damage in one run. (Main Weapon)
Defeat the Imp Chieftain.
Deal 200 000 damage with the main weapon.
Hit 20 Enemies with a single attack.
Survive until there are only 26 minutes left.
Enter the Halls of Torment.