Unlock all trophies in Jeanne d'Arc.
Attack with a triple stacked Burning Aura.
Accidentally eliminate any ally with Earthquake.
Transform 5 Armlet Wielders in Holy Armor at the same time.
Revive an ally with Revivify.
Clear a stage with only 4 female allies.
Defeat Tiamat in Voldor Temple.
Use Godspeed with an ally that is not an Armlet Wielder.
Have someone take Cuisses's place in your ranks.
Complete the second season on the Colosseum stage.
Complete the Cemetery stage.
Complete Chapter VIII: Promises.
Complete the Castle Vilneaux stage.
Complete the Langles Tunnel stage.
Complete the Raillemont stage.
Complete the Tower of Alsace stage.
Complete the Altois Prairie stage.
Steal 10 Skill Stones from encounters.
Have a full army of allies at your disposal.
Complete the Colosseum stage.
Complete Chapter VII: Tempest-Tost.
Complete Chapter VI: The Death-Clad.
Discover 25 treasures.
Complete Chapter V: Black Fire.
Complete Chapter IV: Makings of the Maid.
Use Skill-Binding to discover 25 unique formulas.
Create 10 bridges or ladders.
Clear a stage with only 4 male allies.
Clear a stage with only 3 Therion allies.
Complete Chapter III: Amid the Storm.
Obtain 200 Skill Stones from encounters.
Defend with a Unified Guard of 7 or more allies.
Complete Chapter II: Savior.
Clear any stage on the final turn.
Complete Chapter I: A Legend Begins.
Attack with a double stacked Burning Aura.
Attack with a Burning Aura during the enemy phase.
Clear Stages 1 and 2.
Defeat an enemy in a single attack.
Call on the Armlet to manifest Holy Armor.
Clear any stage in half the Turn Limit.