Earn all trophies in the game
Receive your first Checkered Flag in Story mode
Destroy 200 traffic vehicles
Destroy 1000 objects
Wreck 100 times
Punt 200 pedestrians into the air
Beat the Big Butte Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
Beat the Prospecto Valley Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
Use every type of power-up at least once
Hit opponents with missiles 15 times
Discover all the Garages in the world in Story mode
Complete all the chapters of the Go-Kart tutorial in the Garage
Drive around in Big Butte County in Story mode
Talk to 150 folk
Beat the Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
Drift 5000 meters
Avoid 50 missiles by jumping over them in races
Collect 10 Perks
Find all the jetpacks in Big Butte County in Story mode
Find all the rotorpacks in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
Find all the batpacks in Hauntsborough in Story mode
Find all the Collectables in Big Butte County
Find all the Collectables in Prospecto Valley
Drive around in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
Find all the Collectables in Hauntsborough
Earn a Gold Medal in every On-the-Go event in the world
Drive 6000 miles (9656 km)
Destroy 15000 objects
Get to Level 30 in Story mode
Beat the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in Story mode
Spin 1080 degrees in the air without using a jetpack
Mow down all weed patches in the world in Story mode
Complete all quests in the world in Story mode
Drive around in Hauntsborough in Story mode
Play 10 races or mini-games in Play With Everyone
Drive 3000 miles (4828 km)
Jump 100 times
Collect 50 new vehicles
Collect 15 new drivers