Win a Game
Gain the Longest Road award
Use the Robber to steal
Earn all of the other Trophies
Upgrade 20 settlements to cities
Give away 100 resources in domestic trades
Give away 200 resources in maritime trades
Build a road of a length 10 in one game
Play 6 Knight cards in one game
Finish a game with 4 cities on the island
Finish a game holding 3 VP development cards
Win a game with all your settlements turned into cities
Disrupt the longest road by building a settlement on it
Gain the longest road while your player colour is set to yellow
Move the robber twice in one turn
Build a settlement and turn it into a city in the same turn
Build 3 roads in one turn
Win 5 games by revealling development cards
Gain the Longest Road award 10 times
Gain the Largest Army award
Gain the Largest Army award 10 times
Use the Robber to steal 10 times
Build 200 roads
Build 50 settlements