Won the 'Showdown: DisruptR' Career Event
Completed every Career Event in the Stock category
Won the 'Showdown: Vulpini Racing' Career Event
Reached player level 50
Completed every Career Event in the Touring category
Won the 'Showdown: Hammerhead' Career Event
Finished a race with at least 3 other racers without taking any damage
Won a race by crossing the line backwards
You customised your first livery
Beat your first Nemesis
Beat your first Career Rival
Won your first Career Event
Purchased your first car
Gained entry to the GRID World Series
You own at least one car in each class available at launch
Reached Player Level 99
Earned a gold trophy in every Career Event in the Career Tab
Drove a total distance equal to the circumference of the Earth
Completed every Career Event in the Invitational category
Completed every Career Event in the FA Racing category
Completed every Career Event in the GT category
Won the 'Showdown: Ravenwest' Career Event
Completed every Career Event in the Tuner category
You won a race in a Ravenwest livery with Nathan McKane as your team mate
Won an Event with at least 3 other racers using a loan car
Won an Event with a full grid having finished the first round in last place
Achieved the High Altitude Objective
Achieved the Delta Time Objective
Achieved the Fast for a Hatchback Objective
Achieved the British Heritage Objective
Achieved the Burning Rubber Objective
Achieved the A Wheely Good Time Objective
Achieved the Gone in a Flash Objective
Achieved the Painting the Track red Objective
Achieved the Flights to Catch Objective
Won the 'Showdown: Euro Rand' Career Event
Won the 'Showdown: Fernando Alonso' Career Event
Won the 'Showdown: Aurora Motorsport' Career Event