500 blocks lifted with a gravitational field disruptor
500 blocks smashed with Pilot
Three lasers deflected with saber (in Single Player Mode)
Boba Fett Missions completed
Cloud City completed
1000 blocks smashed with blaster laser
Failed level 10 times with one pig left (in Single Player Mode)
Hoth completed
300 blocks smashed with Chewbacca
500 blocks smashed with saber
10 levels completed with one bird
Level restarted 100 times
Death Star completed
Same turret gets direct hit on Chewbacca 6 times (in Single Player mode)
300 Stormtroopers popped
Three pigs shot with a single blaster shot (in Single Player Mode)
100% destruction with a Mighty Falcon (in Single Player Mode)
Stormtrooper popped with Tie Fighter's wing (in Single Player mode)
Tatooine completed
Mighty Falcon Launched (in Single Player Mode)
50 blocks smashed with saber
Stormtrooper shot another trooper (in Single Player mode)
100% destruction with a Mighty Falcon 50 times (in Single Player Mode)
Path of the Jedi completed
1 droid level found
5 droid levels found
2000 blocks thrown with Force
Mynock popped with another Mynock in 6 levels (in Single Player Mode)
25 blocks smashed with a single flight of Boba
2000 blocks smashed with saber
5000 birds launched
Tatooine: Get 2,380,000 points
Death Star: Get 3,180,000 points
Hoth: Get 3,450,000 points
Played a level in Co-Operative Mode
Played with Kinect
Path of the Jedi: Get 3,250,000 points