Deal 5000 damage in one combo.
Use Hustle to gain a level of super meter in a multiplayer match.
Continue the combo after landing Robot's COMMAND: GRAB.
Lose one multiplayer game.
Win one multiplayer game.
Reach max super meter without infinite resources in a multiplayer match.
Play a singleplayer match to completion.
Create and save a custom user style.
End a multiplayer game in a draw.
Land a 20-hit combo in a multiplayer match.
Launch yourself with Wizard's Spark Bomb.
Land 3 Palm Strikes in one combo as Ninja.
Land a first-turn Impale as Cowboy in a multiplayer match.
Land a full-healthbar combo with the default damage, hitstun, cancel, and resource settings.
Combo out of Burst (not Burst Cancel).
Win 10 multiplayer games.
Win 50 multiplayer games.
Win a multiplayer match by opponent forfeit.
Win a multiplayer match vs. an opponent who suffered Sadness.